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Will the NJO books be the last?

Yun the Sith

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I've been one of these people who are trying to keep up with the NJO books, and I'm starting to wonder wiether these will be the last big books that they do of Star Wars. Think about it, so far we've lost a lot of people in those books, and Luke, Han, and the rest of the gang are aging. I'm starting to wonder wiether these are going to be toward the last of the books, or the last ones with connections to the original trilogy. What do you all think?

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They (the authors) have thousands of years of novels to write. I myself being a fan of Traitor would appreciate some stories about the great Vergere (pronounced vur-jar :p). I also think NJO will be the last future series of star wars. I'm guessing some drastic is going to happen at the end of the war changing the galaxy forever (at first i thought the force would leave the jedi because the vong were connected to it somehow...nevermind that :D)

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

They (the authors) have thousands of years of novels to write. I myself being a fan of Traitor would appreciate some stories about the great Vergere (pronounced vur-jar :p). I also think NJO will be the last future series of star wars. I'm guessing some drastic is going to happen at the end of the war changing the galaxy forever (at first i thought the force would leave the jedi because the vong were connected to it somehow...nevermind that :D)


I was so suprised when I got NEW EG2C. I mean, Vergere was in one novel. Or so I thought. I learned she was in NJO.


Where else is she from? Rouge Planet (awesome book, read it if you haven't already!!!)


Once I read that, the mysterious alien invaders Obi-Wan and Anakin were sent to investigate were revealed to me. :D Yeah, I know I was a bit slow on that one... :rolleyes:

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ive enjoyed reading the books, at first i had a hard time dealing with now new the plot line was and new enemies and the concept of killing off favorite characters (no comment), but ive grown to enjoy it. i think that enough is changing that although i would love to know what happens afterwards, and etc, that they will be focusing on pre original trillogy movies from now on. ive read most of the during/post original trillogy books, and about half of the pre ones (those are mostly fairly new, and i havent had much reading time in high school as i would have liked, i seriously think that half the reading i did in my life was in jr high (but then again, back then i would consume 300 page novels on a daily/semi daily basis regularily, and thats kinda hard to beat now....)) but i know that there is a lot that they can expand on there, even after ep 3 comes out. unfourtanetly though, i think that the end of the "offical" original storyline will be coming to an end soon :'( :(

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