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The Thax Attack! -- Live this Friday at 9pm EST


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This week's Thax Attack is right on schedule, and our discussion topics this week are going to be hot! Tune in if you're an SWG fan, or someone looking for a little direction on tweaking your system for the launch less than two months away.


We'll have talk, music, comedy and all the personality of the past and more! Tune your WinAmp to cplive.truefear.net:7112.


Or, if you'd like to chat live with myself and other SWG Community fans, then join the chat at irc.stratics.com #cplive using your favorite IRC browser.








CPLive is a 24/7 radio network specifically for SWG and online gaming fans alike. Sporting an eclectic selection of music, and a diverse stable of DJ's, you can find a show every night of the week by tuning in.


Visit our forums at http://www.cplive.com if you'd like to make a topic suggestion or request a song for your favorite show. You can also check out http://www.cafeshops.com/cplive to check out some of the CPLive gear you can purchase (all proceeds go to improving the broadcasts: E.g. microphones, server space.)


This week is a special episode of the Thax Attack as we're shooting for record numbers. I'd like to get 50 people from this community and others to participate with the show live this Friday at 9pm EST. If you need to hear the rave reviews, then point your browser to:





I want to thank those fans that have showed up for my shows, and stuck with me during the schedule change. I hope to get some new people interested, and thank you all for any support you put forth!

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I definitely recommend this show. I have been listening to #cplive for sometime now and simply love the wide variety of music and DJ’s. The Thax attack is at the top of my list for Star Wars Galaxies discussion and debate.


I give this show five Jawas!

:jawa :jawa :jawa :jawa :jawa

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*checks forums*

uhmm i like the idea and all.. but i gotta check those forums.. there are some stricked rules about people posting and advertising their forums.... but since this is like a radio show ... just have to look!.


*edit:* ok.. its ok.. you can advertise this. :D


Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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