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Falling Down Help


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I've tried a few MP games and one thing that bugs me is how to defend against attacks when you're in the prone position, i.e. you've fallen down and you can't get up!


Could you please advise which is the best method to ensure you don't get a quick death just because someone pulled you in too quickly?


Press jump repeatedly? In the hope that you might get a kick?


Roll around?


Point your saber upwards?


All advice would be appreciated. I hope nobody has asked this to death previously...



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Since this is a post about falling, I think it's best if you crouch during the fall, giving you a quick roll forward (after you land) to avoid any sudden attacks. Otherwise make sure your enemy is within your targeting reticle and force push him. It's highly likely that it will work. Haven't tested that before. I suggest experimenting with different platforms and enemies.

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Since you're talking about getting knocked to the ground here are some pointers:


You can do other stuff while on the ground than just sit there, but I'd have to do more tests to be sure what those are.


The manual recommends using Push to get them out of the way (before 1.04 this worked less often).


Tapping jump repeatedly to get up quicker..



Using Absorb will usually prevent you from getting pushed/pulled down, as will having Red Stance (you will get knocked back but not down usually).


Having a high level of Pull/Push yourself (and some mana) will also block Push/Pull if you're in the right position.


Good luck!

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Having Force push and pull at level 3 is key. This allows you to counteract others' attempts to push you to the ground. That should eliminate the majority of the knockdowns. If you find youself on the ground and someone is rushing at you, you can force push them backwards to prevent them from getting to you until you can regain for feet.

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