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IRAQ: My official opinion


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As of now, I believe bush is making a grave error by pushing for this war with Iraq. He said smoething recently about how, "A free, democratic Iraq would help the middle east." Those of you who know me, I am jweish, and a fanatic supporter of Israel. I think that if he attacks, it will enrage, not calm, the palestinian supporters of Iraq, because most palestinians who don't like Israel hate the US just as much.



My main problem is collateral damage. What Bush wants is to possibly give al Qaeda and middle eastern, anti-israeli palestinians a reason to use their spells of terror. Therefore, war would only make it worse, not better.


When the economy ain't so great either, more attention should be on the homefront especially. He wants give something like 60 billion dollars to Turkey so we can have a forward base. That is absurd!


Also, putting the country back in order will also be heavy on the American wallet. Something like almost a hundren billion dollars. I, personally, think Bush has lost it, and someone better go find it.

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Bush never had *it* whatever *it* is...


his foreign policies issues were always lacking, and now he's going to bankrupt the friggin country.


thanks GW...


besides, this is all about oil anyway... we should pay more attention to this north korean nuke start up... and whatever happened to bin laden? huh? thought he was wanted dead or alive.... where's the hunt? how much closer are we to getting him?

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we are still looking for bin laden, you just dont hear it on the news because its old news.


colin powel's job is foreign policy, not bushes.


and all of you that are worried about a depression, get over it, the fact that the gov dosent have enough money is a good thing, that means you are not being overtaxed.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

now he's going to bankrupt the friggin country.


We've been in several trillion dollars of debt for quite a while now, it certainly not Bush's fault. Quite frankly, we already are bankrupt, but the printing press was a wonderfull invention, wasn't it? ;)



Oh, and for anyone who says the economy isn't that great, we still grew. The GDP grew by over 3%, the total revenue of the US Government was over 3 trillion. Its not like our economy is coming apart at the seems. Sure, its not booming like it was after Bush Sr.'s term, but its still nothing to scoff at. Its all part of the economic cycle. Recession can actually be good, too, because it decreases inflation, whereas a boom increases it. If we were always in a bull economy, inflation would get way out of hand and everything you had would depriciate severely.


Still, its something that attention, but it hardly needs to be the absolute number one priority, especially when it's in the same bracket as National Defense and foreign stability.

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I was reading an article about the President's plans for a post-war Iraq. One phrase stuck out to me and that was that a democratic Iraqi government world bring stability to the region.


This is an area that has apparently never known stability of any kind since the first humans settled there. Certainly not in recent history. The only way that I can see stability breaking out in that area at all is that if all the current secular middle-eastern goverments gave way to a hegemony of fundamentalist Islamic regimes,.. and since that would not be at all good for American intrests, (not to mention Israel,) we better try to see that doesn't happen.


A democratic Iraq will not increase stability, at least in the forseeable future. It will just add a new, unexpected, untested tension to the region. That's not to say that it shouldn't be tried, but I think expectations should be realistic. In the very long view it may have positive effects, but in the short term we shoud be prepared for more of the same, if not worse.

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