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1914 - The Game of Diplomacy

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ne1 ever played it?

i was thinking we should get 7 ppl and a judge and play it in this forum. it will b fun.


we should get 8 ppl (7 players and some1 to be the judge, the one that will recive the orders from the players and move the pieces) every 48 or 24 hours will b a season and the judge posts new map (and the accomplishments by the end of each summer)


any1 interested?

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yey, i got replies.

k, heres how it works:


we get 7 ppl, each one will be a country from WWI: England, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire; and 1 judge.



The game starts in winter of 1914 and ends in the summer of 1919. the player that has the bigger number of armys and fleets by the end of the game wins. Each season (winter, summer) is a turn, so there are 12 turns in the game.


each country starts with armies and fleets:

England - 1 fleet in Edimburg, 1 fleet in London, 1 army in Liverpool.

France - 1 fleet in Brest, 1 army in Paris, 1 army in Marseilles.

Italy - 1 fleet in Rome, 1 fleet in Napoles, 1 army in Venez.

Germany - 1 fleet in Kiel, 1 army in Berlin, 1 army in Munich.

A-H Empire - 1 fleet in Trieste, 1 army in Budapest, 1 army in Vie.

Turkey - 1 fleet in Constantinopla, 1 army in Ankara, 1 army in Smyrna.

Russia - 1 army in Moscow, 1 army in Warsaw, 1 fleet ihn St. Petersburg, 1 fleet in Sevastopol.


Fleets move on seas and coasts, armies move on land (the only places that cannot be invaded by the players are Switzland, Irland and Iceland).


Each unit (army or fleet) has the same strengh (1). If 2 armies try to invade one territory at the same time, neither moves. If 1 army is defending a territory and another army tries to invade it alone, the defending unit wins, and the attacking unit goes back to where it came.


when the game starts, each player has 2 days to pm their orders to the judge, who will move the units around and post the new map at the end of the 2nd day. between that time, the players can talk between each other and form alliances, offer cease-fires, bargain, agreements, plans, ask or offer unit support, give or ask for information, creation of rumors, acusations, etc. EVERYTHING is allowed, u can do ANYTHING u want.



invade/move - the unit moves from one territory to another.

supports - the unit that has 1 support has its strengh increased to 2. it can use it to defend (if the supporting unit is near the defending unit) or to attack (if the supporting unit is near the territory that will be attacked).

defend - the unit doenst move (so it stays to defend the territory it is in)

transport (only for fleets) - a fleet can transport an army from a land territory to another (it cannot move around with the army, nor recieve any other order). Example: a fleet in the North sea can transport an army from Yorkshire to Norway.



after all players have sent their orders to the judge, the judge will move the units around and post a new map. but while moving the units, there will be lots of fights:


- if 2 units try to enter the same territory and they have equal strengh, none moves. if some units attack a territory that is being defended by other units with the same strengh, the attack is cancelled.


- if a supporting unit is attacked, the support is stopped so that unit can defend its territory.


- moving to a territory that has another unit will not be allowed, even if the unit is going to move in that turn (unless its from the same country). Ex: "army form Portugal moves to Spain, army from Spain moves to Marseilles" will not be allowed unless both armies are from the same country.


- a defeated unit cannot retreat to a territory that has a dot in it (this dot will be explained later), nor to an occupied territory. If theres no territory to retreat, the unit is destroyed. Ex: Portugal is not under french control, theres a frenchy army in Gascon, a french army in Spain, an italian army in Marseilles, an english army in Brest and an english fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean. the frenchy armies support each other. the english army in Brest attacks the french army in Gascon, thus breaking the support. the english fleet attacks the french army in Spain, with the support from the itallian army in Marseilles. The french army in Spain has to retreat, but cannot reatreat to Marseilles nor to Gascon (both are occupied by another unit), it cannot retreat to a water territory, and it cannot retreat to Portugal (cause it has a dot in it and its not under french control). The unit is destroyed and the english fleet invades Spain.




* The territories that have dots in it are AP, territories that can maintain an unit. When a country conquers that territory, it wins an unit (that appears in one of the APs in the country that conquered the new AP). That unit will live as long as the country holds that AP. A COUNTRY WILL ONLY GAIN OR LOSE AN UNIT FOR ABSENCE OF APS AT THE END OF EACH SUMMER. EX:

- Italy conquers Greece in winter and holds in untill summer. At the end of this summer it will gain an army of fleet in Venez, Rome of Napoles.

- Italy conquers Greece in summer. At the end of this summer it will gain an army of fleet in Venez, Rome of Napoles.

- Italy conquers Greece in winter but looses it on the next summer. At the end of this summer, Italy will not gain nor lose an unit.

- Italy has Greece, but lost it. At the end of that summer, if Italy doenst have Greece, it will lose an unit.

- Italy has an army in Greece, but it was destroyed, and now Italy lost Greece. Italy will not lose any units because one unit was already destroyed.

- Italy conquered Greece and holded it until the end of that summer, but Venez, Rome and Napoles are occupied with italian units. Italy has to clear one of its APs in Italy and wait for the next summer. If Italy loses Greece, the unit is destroyed before borning.




A player is out of the game if his country looses its AP's in the homeland, it is out of the game. Ex: Germany has Norway, Sweden, Kiel, Berlin and Munich. Germany looses Kiel and Berlin, but it is still in the game. When Germany looses Munich, the player controling Germany is out of the game, and Norway and Sweeden become neutral, as if Germany hadnt been there.



the player that has the bigger number of units on the board by the end of summer, 1919, wins the game.



PS1 for the judge - at the end of each turn, post the map AND each player's orders.


PS2 for the judge - the simbols for army and fleet have to be simple, so it wont polute the map. I suggest a horizontal bar for fleet and a vertical bar for army (in the collor of its country)


PS1 for the players - post your orders clear, simple and neat. one per line, just with UNIT TYPE, LOCATION, ORDER.


PS2 for the players - since the judge is going to post everything u pm him, dont tell him wot u dont want to make public. For instance, its a very bad idea to tell him about the secret alliance u have with some player, to destroy your old ally.

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