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SP maps that work in MP?

Zathu Koon

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Has anyone found any other SP map that will work in MP?


well bacily any map would work

ONly if there is below 1023 models (i think thats the limits)

and most ID sp maps have more than that


there is also a single player gametype

with is there i think for the coders

because it 'example' codes


so if the map has less models than the limit

it will load by some entities would b created (no code 4 it)

and i expecirenced a weird bug with doors ?? very weird



<-- might b wrong

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I have the same results, yavin & swamp load, everything elses crashes.

When it wants an rcon address what is it refering to?

Can you generate your own, or can you just ignore this?


It prompts for both an address and password. You must generate your own password to start the map, seems the address would be important also.

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