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Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Breton

So basically, if I said the world is round, and you said that it isn't, then you'd be right because you're "not making any claims that need sources"? Seems pretty odd to me.

You know, you quoted the next line in that paragraph which I'm gonna have to repeat again. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just pointing out the statements that are wrong. If I said you are wrong, would that automatically make me right? If I said you were right, would that make me wrong? Is this how everything on your planet works?


My experience does give me more knowledge then some sissy who can only pull random data off the internet. If I had one minute of experience, that one minute would be an eternity of experience compared to nothing. If I wanted to listen to someone mimic others ideas I could buy a parrot and have someone feed him the same horsesh*t.


I also care not for the reasons anyone support weed. I don't care if they want to shove it up their dogs ass. Do it or don't, I don't care. But it bothers me when someone lies to another in an attempt to frighten them from trying something new.


Of course internet sites aren't reliable. Why would anyone think that? You want to give me a source, tell me the name of the person who's ideas you are repeating to me. If I could confer with the source then I could hash out something. But it's pointless to argue with the sheep when they just repeat what the shepard said.


Oh, and you want a source? IT'S ME, NUMBNUTS! I've said it about one-frickin-million times. I am telling you what I know from my experience and my opinions regarding the situation. Maybe you could quote this paragraph and type some witty comment underneath, just so I can repeat myself again.


Easy there, horsey. I see your points, but no need to get foam all over your mouth about it, people. -C'

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Originally posted by munik

You know, you quoted the next line in that paragraph which I'm gonna have to repeat again. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just pointing out the statements that are wrong. If I said you are wrong, would that automatically make me right? If I said you were right, would that make me wrong? Is this how everything on your planet works?



So I give you sources that indicates I'm right, while you have nothing that indicates that I am wrong. You have nothing that is backing up your words.


My experience does give me more knowledge then some sissy who can only pull random data off the internet. If I had one minute of experience, that one minute would be an eternity of experience compared to nothing. If I wanted to listen to someone mimic others ideas I could buy a parrot and have someone feed him the same horsesh*t.


Look, if you squash a bug, will that give you more knowledge about how many bugs that are killed each year and what damages these losses of bugs does to the ecosystem? No, it won't.


I also care not for the reasons anyone support weed. I don't care if they want to shove it up their dogs ass. Do it or don't, I don't care. But it bothers me when someone lies to another in an attempt to frighten them from trying something new.


Do quote me where I have lied. Because I certainly can't find the place.


Of course internet sites aren't reliable. Why would anyone think that? You want to give me a source, tell me the name of the person who's ideas you are repeating to me. If I could confer with the source then I could hash out something. But it's pointless to argue with the sheep when they just repeat what the shepard said.


:lol: Sorry to disappoint you here, mate, but I'm afraid I don't know of any person I repeat after. I have gotten my information from books, magazines, internet, etc. You have gotten your information from your own head.


Oh, and you want a source? IT'S ME, NUMBNUTS! I've said it about one-frickin-million times. I am telling you what I know from my experience and my opinions regarding the situation. Maybe you could quote this paragraph and type some witty comment underneath, just so I can repeat myself again.


You deny the knowledge of the damages of cannabis because you want to belive it's not dangerous. I would not have gained anything by lying, so why should I lie? Tell me this, please.

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Originally posted by Breton

Do quote me where I have lied. Because I certainly can't find the place.

I did not say you lied. I went back and re-read your posts on this page, and all I see is mostly links. I thought that maybe you had an original idea, but I realize that everything you posted were words from someone else. You repeat them here for whatever reason, so if I find fault in them I translate that into fault with you. If this is unacceptable, then simply state after each link that you do not believe in what the link states and are merely putting said link there to harass Munik. Unless you do believe in the link, in which case I can only assume that you are using the ideas and arguments of these people instead of your own. So, considering you're the middle man in either case, do not act so oblivious when some of those ideas in the links you post are challenged. If you are hard pressed to come up with a link in response to any of my challenges concerning your links, then please just state that. Don't give me some crap about you not lying. Of course you did not lie, as you didn't say anything. You are posting these links to antogonize me, nothing more.




Originally posted by Breton

:lol: Sorry to disappoint you here, mate, but I'm afraid I don't know of any person I repeat after. I have gotten my information from books, magazines, internet, etc. You have gotten your information from your own head.

I see you get a laugh out of this by the way you use that little smiley. Very cute. I'm surprised that you don't know any of these people, yet take their word for gospel. You don't know who Melisse Leung is, yet you cut and pasted her words into this discussion as a replacement for your words. You say you get your information from books, magazines, internet, etc. That is my point. I too also gain knowledge from reading those sources, but I believe in my ablities to interpret information by using all of my available faculties. Which means I can usually figure out which is garbage and which isn't. My problem with you is that I do not believe you can, or want to, do that. From where I'm standing it looks like you will believe anything as long is it makes negative claims against drugs. Regardless of the absurdity of any claim. It would not surprise me to see you post a link stating that smoking marijuana will make your anus implode and give your dog heartworms. And if I was to argue against that, you would most likely make another one of your witty comments because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to find another link to support that.



Originally posted by Breton

You deny the knowledge of the damages of cannabis because you want to belive it's not dangerous. I would not have gained anything by lying, so why should I lie? Tell me this, please.

I do not deny knowledge of negetive effects of marijuana, but I do deny absurd claims against it. This is not because I want to believe it's safe, as that point is inconsequential. For me, personally, the Risk vs. Reward is worth it. As we all now know that you didn't lie, as you didn't really say anything, you did post links to pages with anti-drug agendas. One can assume that you either share said agendas, or have one of your own. Why else would you post links to information from people you don't know to sway the thoughts of people here at these boards that you don't know? For lack of reason from you, the best reason I can think of is to cause a little strife, a little drama. Which you accomplished with me. You know, get me a little hot, try and get me to blow up with some incoherrent post. Maybe that'll happen, maybe not. I tested it out and think I've pushed it a little too far, so this is as fired up as you are gonna see me.


So, if you want to keep attacking my methods of discussing this topic, go ahead. It's starting to get old for me, but I reckon I can get another reply out to you. If I had made some claim in a previous reply here concerning my beliefs for drugs, go ahead and quote it. Then we can discuss that. I'd rather the discussion concern drugs, as I doubt anyone else here cares to read a clever debate about semantics between you and I.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and befoer you go ranting on about how weed is bad...tobacco is just as bad (worse IMO), yet its legal.

Uhm.. tobacco is legal because it cannot be banned. We tried to ban alcohol, didn't work. Likewise, we "cannot" ban tobacco. There's the difference. We can keep weed banned, so we do.


And if they aren't bad for you, drugs definetly aren't good for you.


My two cents.

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Hehe, sorry to open a can of worms again :)


I admit I've smoked the wacky tobaccy a few times and been plenty drunk before, but neither of those in a long time. :)


There's quite a bit about addiction that has to deal with genetics... people with addictive personalties... if it's not drugs, it's something else...sex, stealing, etc. I've found that marijuana is not addicting to most except for a small subset of those people who have alcoholism running in their family. I don't really think there is such a thing as a "gateway drug," per se, because if people are gonna become addicts they will with or without pot. ;) Interesting thing though, for those few who DO become addicted to pot, withdrawl leads to severe depression... suicide rate is about 25% . :eek:


With that being said, KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN UNTIL YOU GET OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL! Your brain is still growing in high school, marijuana at that age will affect development (this is a truth, not something made up).


Acid and Ex as I've seen it can have a significant effect on brain function...change in thought patterns... problems even 10 years down the road after stopping.


For those who have had bad experiences with friends who do pot... I am sure if it wasn't pot it would be something else...that's the nature of an addictive personality. I'm sorry that that happens :(


So to sum up, ;), I usually don't mind a little boozin' and smokin', but I don't mind people who are against it! In fact, it's a great and healthy choice to make! :D


Edit: P.S. As much as people would like to say, marijauana is NOT a good idea for treament of [clinical] depression! Trust me on that one.

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We had some people protesting in Finland last weekend. They wanted to legalize drugs.


I'm not an expert on the effects pot has on people, but looking at that crowd was enough. If *those* people say something, I'll say the exact opposite.


I'd love to be open minded and stuff, but....jesus... the way these pierced neon-coloured vegan jeti-hippie-hybrids looked... *shudder*


Seriously, are they so dumb that they don't realize that no-one is going to take them seriously if they look like freaks?


It's like: "look at us! Do you want the whole country to be like us? If so, listen to what we're saying!"


I almost joined the Iraq anti-war protest a while back, but then it hit me: Do I really want to be seen amongst old hairy freaks and pierced teenage girlies wielding signs like: "McDonalds=devil, Fur/abortion/meat means murder! Save the whales! God loves vegans! Bush is satan! Die capitalist pigs!"? ...no I don't.


I'd really like to see someone protesting something *and* succeeding in looking somewhat human.


(No offence to anyone who feels like he/she fits into the descriptions above. :) )

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