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is this real?


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ok i thought i would make my own clan ok. so then i figured i would call it Bounty Hunters, or something like that. i put [bH] in front of my name in multiplayer. so does that clan already exist or not? if it does please tell me so i can get another name. im not recruiting at this thread, ill do that later. thanks.



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I haven't heard anything about a clan with that name, but you might want to do a Google search and find out for sure. I'd do it for you, but I'm far too lazy.


--Lps;s4L (Koala3K if you type to the right of each letter)

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If I may make a suggestion, first search the team listing on the MSN gaming zone. That's usually the place clans are located. Be sure to specify the game, otherwise you might bring up the clan for a different game.


Other than that, you could always try searching the net with Google or something.

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Through out being involved with JK and JO, there was a clan that went by BHG, Bounty Hunters Guild that was onced active in the JK front and now has started into the JO front in MSN Gaming Zone. As _SA_Shinzon_ said you should look through the MSN Zone Clans. The biggest thing I would suggest is just try to come up with something that can be identified as something unique, something that is catchy for people would know and remember from then on. Just be creative and give it some thought im sure you will be able to come up with something good.

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