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Scripts work...almost


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here it is

//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "comment" );


camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam1", ORIGIN)$, 0 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );


affect ( "jacen_cinematic", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );


wait ( 2000.000 );


task ( "jacen_start" )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "jacen_start" );



do ( "jacen_start" );

wait ( 8000.000 );

remove ( "jacen_cinematic" );



affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )















he's my script. the first NPC ("jacen_cinematic")is supposed to walk to a waypoint, and does. the cutscene also works fine. However, when I tell it to affect kyle, it will not work at all. he still has his pidtol and saber and force. I got the ojectives to show up by not putting it under "affect kyle", but that doesn't work with weapons and such. PLEASE WILL SOMEONE HELP ME??

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Other people, myself included, have had problems including affecting Kyle with force powers, items and weapons etc in a script triggered from the start of the map. It shouldn't be like that I don't think, but it tends to be, probabaly because we don't know something crucial about scripting. Anyway, a way around the problem is to take out that affect part, and move Kyle a small distance of the ground, then put a trigger just below him, and from that have the force powers, weapns etc script run. Then when you run the map, the cutscene will play, when it ends Kyle will drop a very small distance, so little you should notice, and all the weapons and force powers etc will be given to him. This solution is credited to: Jango#1

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I made a little investigation, and took a look on some of the player_start scripts. They are just to give Kyle the force powers. And they use this:


affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT )


See? Insert.


But, in an other script wich is called artus_mine/start.txt they used the flush version but it's not a pure force level setting. Maybe that insert thing helps, if you make that one like the bespin kind player_start.txt files and make them as spawnscripts.

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Originally posted by Kengo

Other people, myself included, have had problems including affecting Kyle with force powers, items and weapons etc in a script triggered from the start of the map. It shouldn't be like that I don't think, but it tends to be, probabaly because we don't know something crucial about scripting. Anyway, a way around the problem is to take out that affect part, and move Kyle a small distance of the ground, then put a trigger just below him, and from that have the force powers, weapns etc script run. Then when you run the map, the cutscene will play, when it ends Kyle will drop a very small distance, so little you should notice, and all the weapons and force powers etc will be given to him. This solution is credited to:


so you mean run a script w/ worldspawn, then put the trigger under the player to run the next script? if so, how do you do that??? i tried the search function, and it's not on richdiesal. (forgive a noob mapper as he assimilates inofrmation).

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

I made a little investigation, and took a look on some of the player_start scripts. They are just to give Kyle the force powers. And they use this:


affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT )


See? Insert.


Looks like Leslie may have found the answer for you :)


What I was suggesting was to keep the opening script as you had it, except to take out the affecting Kyle bit. Then create another tirgger which is tiny, just a couple of units high, and directly below Kyle, put the info_player_start a few units in the air, just above this trigger. So when you start, the cutscene plays, then you drop down so little you hardly notice, and the other tirgger runs, giving you the force powers. However, I'd try Leslies idea first, it's simpler and if it works it should solve the problem :)

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I didn't look at the SPscript for this, but in cairn_bay after Luke talks to Kyle, you get a message as the cutscene ends, received lightsaber. Also, when you throw and turn it off, it drops and if you take a gun out and get the lightsaber, it changes (I think, I haven't tried this in a while)Maybe it automatically takes it out when you get it.

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As far as I can tell from my experience, this INSERT and FLUSH are really as issue only in long cinematics, where you make somebody do some things, like to walk somewhere over a long distance with DO command, and in the meantime you want some other characters do some other things, like talk, or wave their hands, and then you go back to this first fellow. If you now, before he has reached his earlier assigned destiny, use the affect(FLUSH) command to do for example some talk while moving stuff, you might get results you don't want, like stopping his movement in order to talk.


However, although I don't swear that's the answer, I would suggest you, boinga1, to consider removing jacen_cinematic a bit later. Try removing him in the affect("kyle") part of your script.

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got it working kengo's way, thx a bunch



edit: one last thing: how do I start off with no weapons? I set WP_NONE, then lock weapons, but kyle just gets out a pistol then locks that. I tried follwoing the ns_streets script, but that way kyle gets out a saber, then locks it.

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Glad to hear you got it working :) The way of solving it wasn't mine though, I got it from Jango#1. If you look in radiant at the info_player_start entity, one of the tickboxes should be no weapons, another is pistol and electro prod thingy.

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