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Why did the game die/is the game dying?


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Guest Jolts

"If I had a penny for every time a read someone saying, "when Galaxies comes out JO will be dead"..."


That's because most people have noticed that the remaining hardcore people playing the game are people who just like to rpg in JO. And that those games being an rpg, and high quality long developed ones will appeal to them. Those game will suck away all the free time they have locking them into those worlds. And for the rpgers it will, with or w/o a lightsaber.



I would also bet most people who say that are rpgers, and thats what they want more than JO, considering JO to be filler until those games are released. I mean people are happy with a lot of crappy emote mods and cheap animation tricks to get 2 handed double fisted, 3 toed jawa saber in game. I don't think it will be hard for them to figure out away to close their eyes and pretend the sword in their hand is a light saber.

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Originally posted by Jolts

That's because most people have noticed that the remaining hardcore people playing the game are people who just like to rpg in JO. And that those games being an rpg, and high quality long developed ones will appeal to them. Those game will suck away all the free time they have locking them into those worlds. And for the rpgers it will, with or w/o a lightsaber.



I would also bet most people who say that are rpgers, and thats what they want more than JO, considering JO to be filler until those games are released. I mean people are happy with a lot of crappy emote mods and cheap animation tricks to get 2 handed double fisted, 3 toed jawa saber in game. I don't think it will be hard for them to figure out away to close their eyes and pretend the sword in their hand is a light saber.


I agree completely with most of these statements, Jolts. For sure, the people that play JO RPG style will flock to Galaxies and KOTOR. And really, that's great, because these will be games that cater to those tastes. For me, I can't wait for KOTOR, because it will be fun RPGing in the SW universe. The more Star Wars games that cover different genres, the better.


I don't think I was really specific enough about the people I was refering to. I have seen many posts and comments in various places from people who say that JO lightsaber fighting sucks. Then they talk about seeing the trailers and screenshots from Galaxies and KOTOR. Some (many?) people have the impression that these games are going to succeed where they think JO has failed in delivering FPS-style lightsaber combat. These people ask questions about how are they going to control their saber swing in KOTOR. Then they are disappointed when they can't. I was commenting that these people are in for a rude awakening when they pick up these games expecting to jump right into FPS lightsaber combat.


That being said, KOTOR and Galaxies should be hugely successful, and will be great at what they are trying to do, which is provide an RPG SW experience. Just like JO provides a great FPS SW experience (varying opinions aside for the moment).


Personally, I play on many servers where people don't RPG. Whether these games will mean no one plays JO, we'll have to wait and see. Will there be less people? Sure. Personally, I will be playing JO for a while to come, and I expect others will as well. Simply because JO will provide a certain type of experience that those other games will not.


But again Jolts, you make good points :)

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Not only will the gameplay be very different (probably slower paced, which might appeal to some), but the fact is, with Galaxies you'll get:


- Jedi/Sith being VERY RARE and probably not so powerful as they'd like.


KOTOR will give you cool Jedi, but no online multiplayer.


So in a sense, JK2 will still provide something that SOME (wannabe?) RPG players might still prefer... for playing Jedi/Sith online with lightsabers.


And of course FPS fans and hardcore "skill" players won't find what they want in a slow-paced RPG, so they would have reason to stay too.


A MMORPG saps a lot of time and money, so people who go over to that will probably spend a lot less time in an FPS. KOTOR might be an incredible game, but its replay value will be limited, considering its SP only.


I'm happy that people have a choice between games that cater to their individual tastes better, but even on the surface it appears that each will be unique, as Star Wars games go.

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From what I've seen of KOTOR, it looks like it may end up like Neverwinter Nights, in that it's possible to write your own modules to continue SP gaming. Unfortunately, the modules written for Neverwinter Nights have been all MP modules, requiring multiple people to really enjoy, and the game's architecture basically disallows you from having more than one NPC in the party. Who knows.


I'm hoping both games will give me my RPG style SW fix when I want 'em. I'm wary of paying $10/month for an MMORPG, since those games have typically had MUCH bugginess at their outset, but I'll give it a shot. When the AOTC TC comes out, I'll probably get back into that, assuming it does what I'm hoping it'll do for JK gameplay. I may enjoy RPGing, but I'd love a good Star Wars action fix too. :)

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KotOR looks to be the Baldurs Gate 2 of Star Wars games. BG2 had an insane level of replayability, I know people who have played through both the good and evil paths for every single player class.


To be honest, i'm hoping the sequel/expansion to JK2 is sufficiently sound to recover people's interest. JK2 had potential, but once the novelty wore off it got dull.

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More SP levels, more MP levels, more enemies, more player models, more skins...


The SP sounds like its going to be more like the SP in previous installments... giving us back the missing Force Powers and the Dark/Light path choices.


That for me is good enough to justify a new game if done right.


I just hope they include some dynamite multiplayer modes.... I'm thinking Objective Based Assault type modes with true class based play. That'd be sweet!


Hope they go all out with the MP skins and maps and options. JK2 was great, but lacking a lot of the variety that we saw in Mysteries of the Sith multiplayer.


*crosses fingers*

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