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Why did the game die/is the game dying?


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Originally posted by Prime

This really sums it up for me. I have loved this game from the very beginning, both MP and SP. Frankly there was little that I wanted changed, apart from the obvious bugs (DFA collision box and so on). I didn't really like the fact that each patch changed the game so drastically, firstly because I had to learn a new way to play, and secondly because I thought the game was good to begin with and didn't need sweeping changes. Personally, I think Raven knew that they made a good game, both from the reviews and boards, and should have let it find it's audience on its own. If it was a bad game, no amount of patches is going to make it a good game. Ignore people who whine when you know it makes no sense for the game. I never understood why people took the time to come here and demand sweeping changes about a game they didn't like and didn't play.




I was going to comment on this also, but after all the back and forth we had, I felt it just wasn't worth the effort.



It doesn't. You have shown more class and knowledge than Break has shown after 500+. Even if people don't agree with you, at least you are willing to debate with counterpoints, and that deserves respect.



Whether (1) is true or not, we'll never know. When you do decide to post arguments, they don't always seem to make much sense, and the rest of the time you are just calling people names. You haven't posted anything that seems to show any sort of deep knowledge about the game.


As for (2), what the hell does that mean? If they were in fact "offended" by you knowing more, that would mean they wouldn't have missed out on your other posts, because they would have had to read them to see your "superior intelect". You seem to have no idea what you are talking about. The point is mute though, since these guys probably just disregard your posts now anyway...


And the number of posts indicates nothing about a person's knowledge about this game. Just because ILR has about 30 or so posts at his point says nothing about his knowledge compared to yours. This much is obvious when you post things like:




When you post crap like this, you come across as a teenager that either is a geeky nerd with an inferiority complex and has to verbally attack people on the internet to compensate or a troll. Since I don't know you, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and consider you the later.


In either case, it sure is easy to call people names when sitting safely behind your keyboard in your parents basement, isn't it?


Ask yourself: "Does this guy really give a damn about myself and the rest of the rpg dregs that post on lucasforums?"


Answer: I take 3 showers a day just to conceal the constant, embittered rain of tear drops after reading these forums.

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Originally posted by Break_dF:


That's what you get for creating a stupid name.

I wouldn't accuse other people of having stupid names if I'd picked something as tedious as "Break" as my moniker. :D


Originally posted by Break_dF:


Spuder AL: Wow u r smart. DF community cash money wowow. I wish I were as gud as u.

Well son, you're not. Get used to it.


Originally posted by Break_dF:


No, wait.. you're a joke. Read some of my past posts then comment on how much I've innovated. While you mindless drones where screaming "FF is CHEAP," and wailing your limp sabers around, I was actually helping the community. If you play 1.04 FF and *if you're any good what-so-ever (which I highly doubt), then you can thank me for helping you w/ your *leet moves.

Wow, Spider AL's really in trouble now! He's facing an opponent whose incredible IQ is only matched... by the number of teeth in his head! :rolleyes:


FYI, my little fanboy-lite, I was winning Full Force matches when you were in DF diapers. I won both JO FF sabres tournaments run by major European providers, namely Jolt and Wireplay. By august 2002 I amassed a 97% victory percentage in Full Force games both guns and sabres including those games I joined half-way through and those games I played in my first week of JO. I played over a thousand Full Force matches in the space of four months. I killed over thirty-five thousand people in public Full Force FFA alone, in the same space of time. On april 7th 2002, just over one week after I first played JO, I fought a total of forty-eight Full Force guns matches, won 48, lost none and made 960 kills in total. My personal best long-term-FFA score in public was 142 kills in 20 minutes against eight opponents, using Absorb combos, at just over seven kills a minute. Note: I pioneered all one-hit-kill moves in my circles, and even discovered a few during 1.02 that were never adopted by the rest of the gaming community. I retired in the last quarter of 2002 due to my inability to find a populated European server, only rivalled in Full Force FFA by the members of my own clan whom I trained.


In addition to my many Full-Force achievements, I was also pretty good at my least favourite style: NF sabres. I won matches against almost all the major European players, with the notable exception of 4J.Inferno, whom I lost to on a tie-breaker in the semis of the Blueyonder NF sabs tournament, he went on to win the title easily. With the exception of Inferno, whom I only ever found to fight that once, I defeated all the major players in the best Euro duelling clans, such as 4J and eF. I had a 95% win percentage in duel matches, including those I joined halfway through and those I played in my first week online.


CTF? Sure, I enjoyed success at CTF. Hard to tell how much, as I never took part in that mode competitively, but I suppose I had a certain talent at flag capping, which some players may confirm if one can persuade them. ;)


So chew on it for a while sonny boy. As noted previously, I was successful at Jedi Knight too. And Quake before it. You're nothing to me. Sorry to break it to you. Heh te-heh... :)


Originally posted by Break_dF:


I make snide remarks because you're a "tool."

Ohh, calling someone a "tool" isn't snide mate. It's unsubtle, crude and childish as insults go. Suits you perfectly, as you can see.


Heck, you can't even spell the names of the people you fumblingly attempt to attack. You're a pitifully malformed excuse for a humanoid, with troll written all over your forehead. Added to all this, you possess all the textual grace and intellect of a disembowelled, lobotomised duck that attempts to type a transcript of the Sudanese playboy channel's current affairs segment.


Originally posted by Break_dF:


Oh, and yeah, I fence. There's a life outside of hentai and sw forums.

Sure, if you call going to classes where you learn to wave and wobble an impractical stabbing weapon at people dressed as exceptionally hygienic masochist slaves "a life." Now, since you have so much of a fencing-clas... er... I mean "a life" to experience, why don't you go and experience it and decrease the collective ignorance of this board by your departure. :p


Originally posted by Break_dF:


Ask yourself: "Does this guy really give a damn about myself and the rest of the rpg dregs that post on lucasforums?"

If I may pre-empt Prime by responding to this particular sliver of solid stupidity, I'd say that the regular posters of Lucasforums don't care whether you care or not. You provide a certain amount of amusement for them, and yes, shock, shock that such a meritless troll could exist in an ordered universe without spontaneously combusting or mutating into a mucus-beast. Or even more of a mucus beast, I should say. But that's the limit of most people's interest in you here, I fear. ;)


Not to mention the fact that you've spent so much time dispersing your particular brand of adolescent garbage around a place full of things you "don't care about". What does that say about you? Think about it during one of your long showers, as opposed to thinking about... other things. STRANGE things.


You can toddle along now btw gummy. :cool:

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omg omg, ur neologism is teh own.


Seriously, why spend an hour of your time at dictionary.com to post random bull****? Oh yeah... b/c you're a "tool."


No, I'm not intellegent, and I don't pretend to be. I suck at life too. Sound familiar?

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Heh-heh. Good retort Break! Nice to see you've got plenty of evidence to back up your response, and plenty of facts to contradict me with. Oh wait, it's five lines (and notably three paragraphs) of pernicious nonsense, as per-usual! My mistake!


Originally posted by Break_dF:


omg omg, ur neologism is teh own.

Sigh. Just a word to the wise: neologism is a word that pertains to new words or phrases.


Originally posted by Break_dF:


Seriously, why spend an hour of your time at dictionary.com to post random bull****?


It took you an hour to look "neologism" up? I'm not really surprised, mind you. And yes, I don't know why you bothered, either.




Originally posted by Break_dF:


No, I'm not intellegent, and I don't pretend to be.


I'm aware of the former, you have PROVEN the former, and considering your self-confessed lack of "intellegence" as you might put it, any pretence to the contrary would likely be so inept as to fail even under the most cursory examination.


Originally posted by Break_dF:


I suck at life too. Sound familiar?

Of course it sounds familiar, the world is full of such lackwits. Sadly, I have to deal with them on a daily basis. Which means you're nothing new to me on that front either.
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Originally posted by Break_dF:


You are just too cool....

Cold as ice, baby. Cold as ice. But enough about me. Why don't you try some self-improvement courses, attitude adjustment seminars... You never know, they might help. Stranger things have happened.


On the Twilight Zone.

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Originally posted by Break_dF:


Oh btw, tool, I apologize that you didn't understand the indirect "joke" surrounding "neologism." Yeah, I'm the idiot... Look up malapropism. Look at your posts. Stop posting.

That's alright son, "malapropism" or the unintentional confusion of words, applies to your inane drivel to a tee. So thanks. Once again you fumble around and prove your own ineptitude. There's very little work for me to do. Relaxing. Misspelling "intelligent" was pretty helpful too btw. I have to thank you again for that.


And no, I don't think I will stop posting, thank you very much for the advice. I tend to avoid taking tips from mental tiddlers, ta. :rolleyes:

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*sigh*.... tool, you place random vocabulary in your posts to make yourself *look* intelllligggeewnnnt. Words must comply w/ thought.. well, that's the general opinion among most non-idiots; however, your words do not. Yes, all hail to spuderal. He is amazind...

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Originally posted by Break_dF:


*sigh*.... tool, you place random vocabulary in your posts to make yourself *look* intelllligggeewnnnt. Words must comply w/ thought.. well, that's the general opinion among most non-idiots; however, your words do not. Yes, all hail to spuderal. He is amazind...

All hail indeed. I'm glad you're getting the idea.


But I "place random vocabulary" in my posts, you say? If such a thing is possible, I'm not guilty of it, your honour sir. I'm just from the old 'U' of 'K', with a dash of a basic state education, and my vocabulary online has been the same since JK1. Check out some board archives why don't-cha, young whippersnapper.


You see, YOUR posts are perfect examples of the sort of tragedy that results whenever people try to throw random and/or obscure words into the mix to make themselves look clever. Take my advice and work on it. It's good, solid advice you know. Entirely for your benefit to boot. :)

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Ask yourself: "Does this guy really give a damn about myself and the rest of the rpg dregs that post on lucasforums?"

Spider Al has already replied to this and has captured my feelings quite well. The funniest part is I have been grouped as an RPG guy. Dregs, indeed.


Originally posted by Break_dF

Read some of my past posts then comment on how much I've innovated. While you mindless drones where screaming "FF is CHEAP," and wailing your limp sabers around, I was actually helping the community.

Can you direct me to some of these posts that show how much you've help the community? Innovated? You sound like a failed 80's rapper. The Biz Markie is not amuzed... :cool:


Originally posted by Break_dF

If you play 1.04 FF and *if you're any good what-so-ever (which I highly doubt), then you can thank me for helping you w/ your *leet moves.

What the hell does that mean? :confused:


Originally posted by Break_dF

Now go buy an idiot's guide to on-line gaming and stfu before you say something you can't back up.

bbbrrrriiinnngg Hello Kettle? This is Pot. Your black.


Originally posted by Break_dF

No, I'm not intellegent, and I don't pretend to be. I suck at life too.

Nah, too easy...


Originally posted by Break_dF

*sigh*.... tool, you place random vocabulary in your posts to make yourself *look* intelllligggeewnnnt. Words must comply w/ thought.. well, that's the general opinion among most non-idiots; however, your words do not. Yes, all hail to spuderal. He is amazind...

Poor troll. Your just fresh out of combacks, aren't you.

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Originally posted by Break_dF:


You should've been a blow-job...

Well, I am a source of pleasure to those who receive me at such engagements as I attend... Besides, you're hitting rock bottom now, Achey Breaky. That's even more clumsy and rude than your usual fare. Sigh, it's so difficult to find a decent discussion these days. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Spider AL

Well, I am a source of pleasure to those who receive me at such engagements as I attend... Besides, you're hitting rock bottom now, Achey Breaky. That's even more clumsy and rude than your usual fare. Sigh, it's so difficult to find a decent discussion these days. :rolleyes:


especially when you're a tool

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Originally posted by Break_dF:

parrying?... ha


definitely a tool...

And I thought you liked fencing. I think though, that you should hang your little stabbing weapon up and study the intricate innards of logic for a while. While you may enjoy whipping your flimsy foil around, your wit is most definitely not rapier-like. Once again, solid advice for you. Take it.


Originally posted by Break_dF:

bukake janitor > software designer

Hmm, so since you say that having no job is greater than being a janitor, and being a janitor is greater than being a software designer, you're trying to say that having no job is greater than being a software designer?


Gotta tell you, this attitude could hold you back when you go into the workplace in a few years' time... :(

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