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How do I do Slippery Surfaces?

Sephiroth CR

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I've seen surfaces in maps where there is no friction and u can slide forever. How do I make this kind of surface? I'm also having water trouble. I make a block of water. When I go in game, the top is surfaced with this ugly grey blocked texture with white glowing lines, but You can go into like water. In Gtk I textured the top and botttom with bespin/water1 and the sides with caulk_nonsolid? Why wont the waters texture show up?:(

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Use caulk_nonsolid or nodraw on the other surfaces. Someone told me once that when compiling the first face of a brush in the map file decides what properties the brush will have. And who knows which face will Radiant write out first? So having a nonsolid shader on all the sides (that person told me to have a special water shader on all sides) makes sure that your water will be not solid.

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