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Moderators ... what's the deal?

Young David

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Okay, we have some moderators here on this board. But sometimes I quitte wonder where they are. Not to be offensive to anyone but Sherack seems to be the only one active.


JayVisIon is a new mod, but I haven't seen him in action yet. And Leon ... well, where is he? Haven't seen him in a while.


The point is that since this boards started there are apointed three mods. While Leon has been very active in the beginning, In the end it's only Sherack who does the most.


So what I'm trying to say ... mods ... is that you have a respinsability to visit on a daily basis. If you can't do that, resign so that others can take the job if the need arises.

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I'm not really a MOD. I'm a member of the LucasGames staff. I do have power on this forum, however I barely need to do something since every time I spot something one of the moderators fix it. I think they do a darn well job. But personnal lifes can get in the way of hobbies, such as visiting gaming forums, and I understand that very well. I think you should recognize the effort they do.


I think that was just a bit harsh saying they dont do thier jobs. Did something happen just recently that I should be made aware of?

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Guest xwing guy

Not that I know of, but you never know when something that needs moderating and no mods are on, well you get my drift. Boba Rhett seems to be on quite a bit when most people are on but presonal life does interfere so he can't be on all the time so Jay and Leon yall need to be on more often, and sherack you do a lot of moderating now but one preson can't do it all so Leon where are you! And you to Lord Jay!

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Originally posted by Young David

Okay, we have some moderators here on this board. But sometimes I quitte wonder where they are. Not to be offensive to anyone but Sherack seems to be the only one active.


JayVisIon is a new mod, but I haven't seen him in action yet. And Leon ... well, where is he? Haven't seen him in a while.


The point is that since this boards started there are apointed three mods. While Leon has been very active in the beginning, In the end it's only Sherack who does the most.


So what I'm trying to say ... mods ... is that you have a respinsability to visit on a daily basis. If you can't do that, resign so that others can take the job if the need arises.


Very True. although I have to say Rhett is on here quite often too.

Leon is having several vacations in a row so he'll be gone till Octuber...I think. Once he comes back the Senate will start up and He'll have his Cable modem;)

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well, i admit the last few days i have not been on due to personal reasons. however, since i became a mod for the most part i have checked certain forums to see if anyone is posting obscene material. once and awhile, i will check these forums while not signing on to see if anything needs to be handled ( i just did that rite now).


keep in mind, i do not have as much power as the other mods b/c i am new (for example, i do not have the power to delete a user). i also check these forums at nite, while most of you are sleeping, while to some of you night time is a totally different time zone. if you do not believe this, check the track record buddy.


that's my two cents...



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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

JayVisIon is a new mod, but I haven't seen him in action yet. And Leon ... well, where is he? Haven't seen him in a while.




if you want to see some action, yound david, tell one of your buddies to post some obscene material when i'm on.....



btw, leon said he would be gone around this time of year in the beginning. don't blame the guy if he has a life...

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Well, it really all depends on where you live.


Leo live in Holland, so he is on when us USers aren't.


Jay lives in California, so he is on when i (and other on the east coast) has gone to bed.


Sherack and Jackal live in canada, but i'm not exactly sure which time Zone they are in.


And then Rhett, i'm not sure where he lives either, but he seems to be on the most when i am, so he is probably Eastern or maybe Western coast, i don't know.


Still, they do a good job, we haven't really had any problems lately, i think that is the reason for there inaction, not that there irresponsible or uncommitted.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Well jeeez guys. I've been gone the past four days because my brother was getting married, "not that that's any of your buisness", besides that, I'm on these boards probably 4+ hours a day, and I try as hard as I can to check theses boards as often as possible, no matter were I am. When I had 10 minutes to be online at my brothers house while I was traveling, guess what site I went and checked for the whole time? Yeah, that's right, this one.


And another thing, has there been any problems lately? Not really; And that's because we mods are doing our jobs and keeping these boards as nice as possible for you all. So what are you complaining about anyway?



Well I hope your happy. You've gotten me all upset. :ball:



BTW, Thank you, xwing guy, darthfergie and Tie Guy for not going, "Benedict Arnold" on me.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

It was bound to happen someday, Rhett. Some people just don't see your posts, so don't get mad at them. As I already told you, you're doing a five star job here.

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IMO you guys are doing a great job. I've been to boards where the mods slack off and do nothing...its not pretty. I can tell you guys work hard to keep the boards clean, and I thank you for it. :)

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah, I think that you guys do a good job on here to, and I realize that presonal life does interfere with yalls job as mods and I'm just glad that nothing really needs taking care of because yall do such good jobs here.

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Guest Gamma732

Mods are just forumers, like us, just with superhuman powers. ;) They're the same as us, with school/work, gf/bf's, and, in general, lives. We can't hold them to higher standards then we hold ourselves. Give 'em a little slack guys.

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Originally posted by Gamma732

Mods are just forumers, like us, just with superhuman powers. ;) They're the same as us, with school/work, gf/bf's, and, in general, lives. We can't hold them to higher standards then we hold ourselves. Give 'em a little slack guys.


Some mods...

Sherack is a Mon Calamari who just happened to tap into this site...Gee I thought everyone knew that...


I just wish Leon would get back very soon so he would start the senate...Oh well. Just have to wait till Octuber...

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Guest Master Yoda

I havent seen anything wrong on these boards yet, I think these mods are doing an AWESOME job keeping these forumns clean!!!Boba Rhett is doing the best.(Have to stick up for fellow homeschoolers!!:D)

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