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Monkey Island 5 Confirmed


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Hello all. I've got some great news! Whilst browsing a website (I can't remember the address now), I found out Monkey Island 5 has been confirmed! Unfortunately, it uses basically the same graphics as the previous game. LucasArts have named this new game, "Return To Monkey Island". This is the storyline that's going to be in it...


The new governor of Melee (formely known as Herman Toothrot) is taken hostage by an unknown person. Guybrush Threepwood must travel around all of the previous islands he has been on to complete challenges and collect clues to find out where Herman is. Finally, Guybrush must travel to Monkey Island and find the hidden lair. It turns out to be LeChuck, teamed up with Ozzie Mandrill and Largo LeGrande. All the islands from the previous games, plus a few new ones.


That's all I know. Hmm... what do you think of it?

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You guys can beat me for that, but i think that story sounds really boring. Ok largo is back thats cool.

Ozzy Mandrill again? I don't know. He should come back in the 6 Mi. And the story about traveling to all islands to find herman is boring.

I mean in all the other parts we had a real cool PIRAT MISSION:


Mi1: Be a pirate and kill lechuck.

Mi2: Find Big Whoop the biggest treasure ever and kill lechuck again :)

Mi3: Save Elaine, kill lechuck

Mi4:Stop Ozzy mandrill and lechuck-save the 3island area and finf the ultimate (don't know the english word)

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