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Alright almost got this figured out


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I made an explosion and I can make it hurt and its all hooked to a button and its really kick ass...But I'm trying to make a way for a forcefield wall thing trap the player. But I can't make it as a func_plat stay more than a few seconds without holding the button!


Can I make it stay? thanks

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I want a wall, I'll texture it as a forcefield, that stays hidden. And upon the press of a button the forcefield comes up or down. Then the forcefield will stay up for about 2 minutes. I'll try the func door. But I want it to stay down until called upon by a button and will go down back after 2 minutes or so.

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Oh, easy. you have a couple options:


(1) make a func_door, give it a wait key of 120, a really fast speed value, and a negative lip value, check the start_open flag, and then target your button at it. then, when you hit the button, the forcefiled will pop out, stay out for 120 seconds, and then close down.


(2) Make a func_usable that starts off. target your button at a target_relay and a target-delay, then target both of those at the func_usable. Give the target_delay a wait value of 120.

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Ok...I was working on my map and I wanted to compile it as a test and I chose 1/2 lms( or whatever the name is)


I go to look at my finished product and what do I see? Full blinding light (such as you would see if you compiled with No light, you know that option right)


Anyways I thought my bsp was updating, like the error I was having last time.


So I deleted the new things I added thinking it would fix it! But I could see the changes except it was still in full light! I don't know what the hells going on. Can someone please help?

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Two things could cause this error: One, you have a leak in your map; and two, you used a compile that doesn't go through the LIGHT phase. (You might have just misclicked.) Check junk.txt and make sure that there's no leak nad the compile went through the light phase to completion.

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The same thing happened to me. It wasn't showing the little red line you get when you have a leak and I KNOW I wasn't choosing the wrong bsp option because I did it several times with all the different bsp options. Every time it gave me the same effect as if I had used the nolight option. I tried to delete the things I had added but that didn't work. Fortunately I hadn't done too much since my last backup. So I just went to the old build and everything worked out. Right before it pooped I had added a lot of entities to test them out. Including ones that I knew I probably wasn’t going to use like the data pad (which clearly states in it’s property box not to place it in MP.)


So the bottom line is backup you .map often.

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I chose misc and find leak and I got this huge red line covering half my map...What the heck is this? And if it were a leak I bet I had several in my map already. Also I found in my world spawn there was a light 1000 but I deleted it. And I loaded a previous auto save and it had the same problem:/ What the hell is going on? And I compiled another map with normal light


Thanks for the help!

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I deleted the sky and now the map is working...But why now if they were working all along?!




:( I'm having another problem with the map. I'm planning on having two black discs that I make to look like records as func_rotatings with buttons that play target speakers:P Anyways it looks pretty cool but for detail I added one of those boards with all the sliding dials! Well I made the bars a quarter inch wide right.


I compile the map and theres my slide bar. (that I had deleted) Expanding from my dj booth into infiniti through walls and everything. I followed it with noclip and it just goes on and on...


The ass kicker is that its not on the grid side of radiant...The brush isn't even there!!!:0 I tryed deleting the entire room to see if it was something else but its not!:/


So I'm asking! Can anyone tell me how I can get rid of this?


Another solution I'm thinking is to copy the entire map, because its not connected to those bars, and paste it into a newmap! Simple right? The problem is though is that I don't want to copy all 2000 something blocks and entities! I was up to about 400 last night when I f'd up and had to start over. If there a select all option or something?


Quick question!


How do I add bacta canisters?!

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-You could make a new BLANK map then load your old map as a prefab and see if that solves your problem (load prefab is under the file menu, and you can use any .map file as a prefab.) That saved me when I was having a glitch with a map I was working on.


-The bacta canister is called item_medpac under the item entity options. The item_medpac_instant is the real medpac. It’s the same thing with shields. The instant one gives you shields while the item_shield give you the forcefield item.



Hope that helps to some degree.

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First off Thanks Judge for the tip...That did fix it. Now that I finished the first and second floor I wanted to connect them in a way that doesn't include teles or platforms.


Anyways I added 2 new triggers and it f's up. I can't add more that one trigger push or more than one trigger at all! (no trigger multiple and trigger push)


I try to load up my map and it freezes and the player screen, shuts down and opens this screen that says...


CM_inline model: BAD NUMBER


I delete all but one trigger push and its fine, Now just as a test I open a new map and make about 3 trigger pushes. It runs absolutly fine!


Can anyone tell me the problem? And tell me why this map keeps f'ing up?!

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Ok So I'm not sure if func_groups count!


But, I made a table with 3 sections, 4 brushes in each section. About 7 tables with 12 so thats 84. Anyways these tables are still func_groups so I got rid of them with backspace and made some more just like them except I didn't make them groups...


So I look under edit/entity info and it says I have 88 freeeken func_groups!!! and 84 are capped:( That means those stupid table pieces are being counted. I try to select them and delete them but it won't work. Anyone have any ideas??:(

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You do not have to delete the func_groups.


Select them and then use Selection - Ungroup Entity from your menu.


Well, that's what it is in GTK anyway...


This will turn them back into worldspawn entities.


Then be sure to turn tables and the like into detail brushes.

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

Start GtkRadiant, load your map and start the BobToolz/Brush cleanup plugin.


I've been using Jk2rad all this time but now I'm having that bsp problem again (where every bsp option gives me nolight even though I don't have any leaks.)


I was wondering if it would hurt my map to open it in GtkRadiant and run the brush cleanup. I didn't really want to download GKTR and try it right now because I'm almost finished with my map (I know everybody says that:D)


I was planning on trying GtkRadiant for my next project but I guess I could try it a little early. So can anyone foresee any problems with switching programs when your map is 94.87692% complete?




P.S. Does this BobToolz/Brush cleanup plugin come with GtkRadiant? And where is a good place to find Gtk (you don’t have to answer that last question if you are feeling lazy because I can search for it.)

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I have reduced the number of brush based entities.


I'm making a set of tunnels with trigger pushes...And I notice some of the trigger pushes work when they want to. They don't push for some reason. Thinking that the pipe was to small I removed it. And they still didn't work...Trigger push targeted at target_position. Sounds good but won't work sometimeS:P And thanks for helping me figure out how to un group stuff.


But why make tables detail brushes? Thanks:!)

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