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Tame The Krayt Dragon?? U Must Be Mad!

RocketPack Jack

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Originally posted by Dradle

In what Books are there any info on Krayts? I would like to look into the Jewels, and other info on these creaters.


I will be making a Bothan Tamer, and would love to have some "hardcopy" info so when I go to sell my beast, I can have my RP facts down.


:deathii: Dradle


It's one of the "Tales" books. I believe I read about it in the "Tales of Jabba's Palace." One of the tails is about how one of Jabba's Slave escapes and they encouinter a Kryat

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Sample from the Essential Guide to Alien Species; under "Krayt Dragon"


Despite their ferocity, krayt dragons are often sought by big game hunters. Although hunting such creatures may not seem wise, the krayt dragon's gizzard often holds an incredibly valuable and beautiful dragon pearl. One pearl would easily make a person independently wealthy; hence many foolhardy hunters try to obtain this treasure. Not many such fortuneseekers have returned.


The guide calls it a pearl, I think the book called it a jewel. they're close enough.

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