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Well, the cost, both for the player "ordering" it and the architecht, will be based on what amount of raw materials/componenents you'll need to make the building. This far, I've seen nothing on it, other than we really shouldn't worry about PA towns being a few months into the future, since affording buildings might be at least several weeks away for most players. ;)

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U wont need a building to sell stuff, true. But u might want 1 to store belongings, stock, custom-built AT-ST, etc. There hasn't been any mention of overheads yet, i think. As far as i know we just pay the architect for his time, and we have a building! There has been no mention of paying for gas, water, TV license, etc. I may become an architect when i start, so if any1 has good links or info about architects it would be appreciated.


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Hmmm, I'm off topic, but I was just wondering why every thread's last comment was by this RocketPack Jack character and he's new as of MArch 2003.. and has more posts then me. Are we post count bumping (forget the real term) or just catching up on all these old threads by entering a two line response for no reason... (Hmm that seems to be count bumping too).


Just wondering out loud, no need for you to respond, warn me if you will Wraith, but I'm just making an observation...



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Oh, and my guess is that you will supply the architect with the needed raw materials and some credits, or simply just pay credits and let the architect collect the raw materials, and he'll create your building. Since we don't have much of an idea for the price of items, I'd guess that a basic dwelling should run about 20-30 times the cost of a decent set of full armor.


Now how much does a decent set of full armor cost? 20 hours of play time or probably 4-5 times the cost of a decent weapon.... hmmm I seem to be going in circles here. Ah well gotta wait for more info from the devs...



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My only advice to you RJP, is that you might want to consider changing your signature, it's probably the only thing anyone can hold against you right now. Spamming usually occurs when someone posts just for the sake of posting, you on the other hand actually seem to be asking questions as well, so I haven't seen anything I would seriously consider spam yet. I myself have filled the forum front with my name before. ;)

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Well we all know your excuse DS (He has no life beyond SWU ;-) j/k, just wasn't sure about RPJ... ;-p


I haven't read all your posts, but haven't seen any replies that would indicate spam, which is why I avoided that term. And of course I'm jealous that you have reached my post count in such a short time! ;-p



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What do you mean no life beyond SW? I have a life! I go to work every morning, look around at all the work that is to be done and say, "Screw that." Then I click on a few links, write some posts, click on a few more links, write an article, click on a few more links, read my e-mail (well I used to, this new firewall and filter sucks), and when all is said and done, I look up, say "$|-| | T, I haven't done anything today.". Then I go home. ;P

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