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Air Units


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Hi guys,I'm new here.I finally decided to register after surfing through these forums every night.

Does anybody know for a fact how the air units are going to behave when they're not being used ? ( Hover,fly around in circles etc etc...)

Also, does anybody know if Slave 1 will be in the Mission Editor ?

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Originally posted by Twodogs

Hi guys,I'm new here.I finally decided to register after surfing through these forums every night.

Does anybody know for a fact how the air units are going to behave when they're not being used ? ( Hover,fly around in circles etc etc...)

Also, does anybody know if Slave 1 will be in the Mission Editor ?


Hello Twodogs welcome to the forum.


1.They hover on repulsor lifts


2. Nobody really know for certain, but it is pretty probable.


You can get some cool avatars on my site, you can find a link to it in my sig.:D

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welcome indeed two dogs,

if you've ever played starcraft, they'll act like those air units there, although i don't know if air units in swgb will be closer to the ground than those in starcraft. if slave I is synonymous with boba fett's ship, i think it could be in the editor. afterall, the twin cloud car made it and no one here thought it would....

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