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Sound problem!


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I created a target_Speaker and in the key "noise" i gave the value to the wav's destination. Now when you go in the game, you can barely hear it. Is there any way I can raise teh volume? Cuz the tutorial doesn't tell you how to do that.


And um I've this hall type where I want it to play the wav. But it only plays at the spot where I have the target_speaker at. Is tehre any way i can make it play thruout the whole hall? I don't want the global or activator options.


Please help :)

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You still can use more targer_speakers spreaded in the hall.


Eh, sorry, but I absolutely had to replicate that first answer. In some file it is said that adding more target_speakers does not decrease game speed, but increases just the volume (provided they are at the same phase, I guess...).

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Phase doesn't matter. A target_speaker playing the same sound as another target_speak, near the 2nd one, will increase the volume and "spread the sound out." If you want a sound to be VERY LOUD in one area, put 4-5 target_speakers near each other in that place. If you want the sound to play along a large area, well...you spread out the target_speakers.

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