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other games call PAs guilds...but ive never really played an mmorpg with them as a feature...how much control are the gonna have exactly? are there gonna be some with some kinda crap monopoly that limits what everyone else can do without them?

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They have as much control as the players lets them have. It's as simple as that.


But no, don't expect them to affect your life too much if you keep away from them, and away from PvP. PvP is bound to be dominated by PA's, because you have such a severe advantage in PvP if you have a group that is used to playing with each other, and has the superior organization and communication that a PA can supply.


Another area where PA's can have a large effect is in the crafting professions, since it heavily depends on the same things, organization and communication. If you know you have 4 guys in your PA just waiting to supply you with the components you need, weaponsmithing will be easier. Simple as that.


On everything else, like missions, PvE and the whole community part, you are free to do what you want. But as I said, PvP use to be really heavily dominated by PA's. Why? Because you are dead the moment your "lone wolf sniper scout who lives alone in the wilderness, taking order from noone" walks across the dune and find ten happy mercenary PA members, all pointing their blasters at him.


"solo sob at twelve!"


End of Story.

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Since SWG is a MMORPG that encourages players to work together PA's provide people a way to work for common goals and complete tasks/projects/raids that are hard to do solo. If you are intimidated by PA or just want to be a soloist you will definetely be able to, however, as Setsuko said, there will be areas of the game that your character might want to avoid. Good profs. for solo characters might be: image designer, chef, entertainer, tailor, ranger, creature handler, farmer, merchant...



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Yup, sorry to break it to you, Arguille, but a large part of the concept of MMORPGs is cooperation. Not utilizing this means that you will have advantages.


It's as if you played a lot of Quake, but refused to use the rocket launcher. Sure, go ahead, you can still play the game. But you'll propably get your ass handled to you a lot more frequent.


Different games require different things from the players. That is good. However, that also means that you won't enjoy every part of every game. But that is just to be expected, and in the end, it is good for you. ;)


Soloing is a totally different experience. For some players, it is a blast, and for some, it is tedious, boring and frustrating. But it is different. You'll be able to do a lot that grouping characters can't. But you'll be unable to do a lot they can. Which way to play it is an important choise.


And good cooperation will win you in any game with PvP, as long as there are two or more persons in each team. You ever wondered why Quake was the first game to really spawn clans, eh? :)




not using tactics in StarCraft will cost you

not using your best arsenal in Quake will cost you

not using cooperation in SWG will cost you

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hey im all for coorporating. i wanna be a crafter but i dont wanna be tied to a specific PA is all. rules that a PA would force me to follow would limit my ingame freedom, which is what is irritating. as a crafter i know ill need others, i just dont want those others to be one singular group that can take advantage of a monopoly

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Arguile, I am a member of a small crafting PA. A few friends of mine had some of the same reservations as you and decided to make a crafting PA with as much freedom as possible.


We are based entirely on a democracy and each member has a vote. We have a high council to mainly do administrative things and give the PA some structure and guidance, but everyone's vote counts the same. If this sounds like something you might be interested in email me. We are still assembling out High Council and have three positions available! We are currently five solid members in our mid-twenties and are looking for like minded people to play SWG with. We are shooting for 15-20 members.


We are currently designing our website, on which PAs and individuals will be able to view an up to date catalogue fo all of our goods and even place special orders.


Pax Romana

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thats sounds good pax, being solo might be a thrill for a while, but if you PA, then its alot better, ill probobly start out as solo, then find sum1 and join with them or ask them to join with me, I can see it now [s'Ynned family restaurant corporation, feeding you since 3870]

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