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Help with Windows XP.


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Does anybody think they can help me? I'm trying to delete my sister's User Account for Windows XP (Home Edition) since she's left and went to college. But every time, it freezes (the "Not Responding" error). I've tried to get "official" help from Microsoft, but you have to go through so much sh!t just to get to a freaking page to ask a freakin question so I screamed gave up. Anybody good with computers/Windows and could give me any tips? Is there another way to delete User Accounts. And yes, my user account has the administrator "powers." Thanks.

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Wow...that's a good one. use us format c:




I don't know. I'll try to look that one up. One good place to try (I'll probably post the question there) is Tom's Hardware Guide. They have really good forums. I get help there all the time. I'm RPMayhem on those forums. http://www.tomshardware.com


It is also a really good site for hardware reviews and news! I read that site daily!

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