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All Clanless Peeps Check This Out!!!


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I know I should post this in the PA forums, but this counts as general too, ya know.


OK, anyways, I just wanted to invite anyone into my PA. It's called the Black Faction Bounty Hunters. We have quite a few members (17) and were looking for some more. I just want you guys to check out my PA, and i guarantee you'll have an awesome time playin SWG while your with us!


Please Check us out,




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Eh, no, that is not "general too", it is recruitment. Sure, we have been lax about this before, but with the amount of recruitment posts in general, perhaps a mod or two should start to see it at a personal crusade... aight? *eyewink*


Oh, and good luck with the recruitment! The more PA's the merrier. As long as they are on the recruitment page! :D j/k

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Well, I was gonna merge it with the one in the Reqruitment Forums, but then I thought that might confuse people, and maybe even start to think that you're confused posting 2 posts after each other with the same content, but different wordings. :D


So I closed this one ;)

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