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converting .bsp back to .map


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I didn't think it was possible, but that would be horrible if it was.


It would mean anybody could edit your map after you release it. I'd like to hear if there really is a way. Because if there is, I will probably never release another map again.

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Actually, I'm almost certain that there is a way to convert .bsp into .map 'cause I saw it in another thread about someone who accidentally deleted their .map file. Anyway I think you can but instead of say a single cuboid brush for a wall, you would get 6 very thin brushes representing each face making it hard to edit due to an incredibly long compile time and very slow to play.


Hope you understood that. :)


Here's that other thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=92930&highlight=.bsp

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So, it really isn't good to play or anything, but you could observe some of the original maps to see how some things were done like in yavin_trial.


The messed up faces and horrible compile times could be good for security. If someone wanted to copy it, they'd have to have gtk radiant for its brushing merging ability and compilcated maps could take days just to finish merging. I wouldn't worry.


Only good for observation or simple maps.

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

Without entities all the essence of the level is lost. Entities make a map to live. They carry the little tricks we want to know. :)




Originally posted by wedge2211

In which case, why not just ask about the "tricks" on the forums, or email the author? :D


... and exactly.

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If it is possible to look at other maps in this manner I have a suggestion. This is kind of strange and I think it's a whole lota BS. But I have heard that there are co-ordinates for the FFAdeathstar map in which there is a teleport to another area of the map. I even have the location at a friends place. Rather he has the coordinates. Now I think it's all wishful thinking....BUT...I am curious as heck to know!! I told the people I play with that without a .map file you can't know where it is. But some insisited!!


So to anyone who can find this info....All the power to ya!!:D

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It is possible, I found it somewhere on a link from PlanetQuake while I was looking for that but I lost it.

And from what the Tut said about it, it said the brushes aren't 6 thin ones.

I'll go take another look now.

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