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Jedi Knight Win 2000


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I'm trying to play DF2 on a Win2000 machine. It installs without a problem but when I go to play it, it asks if I want to install DirectX5. It then tells me that it has completed successfully and tells me if I want to install DirectX5 and so on so I go round in endless circles.


How do I play it?

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Is the Dark Forces for JKII? If not, what's it doing here? :D


I'll try to help with your problem anyway.


Since you can't run the executable, I would presume the installation failed. Did it install DirectX 5? You can check by hitting:

Start > Run > Type dxdiag (DirectX Diagnostics)


Maybe uninstall (if you can, if not remove all the DF files manually)

Download, install and run RegCleaner (should clean up the DF registry settings)


Install the game again. If skipping DirectX installation fails, try installing it. Then at a later date, you can install the latest version. (9) ;)

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OK, I found out I've got DirectX 9 and, by uninstalling it and installing it in another CD drive on the same computer, it somehow works.


Or at least it works for a little while. I get past the Nar Shadaa cutscene with 8t88 but it says it cannot load the first level. Why is this?

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DF2 (Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight) comes with DX5 (the current version of DirectX at the time of the games release in October '97) but will still work with later versions.


For reference, I installed Jedi Knight last year on my machine (DirectX 8.1) and it ran fine. I just chose NOT to install DX5 when I installed the game (just tell it no, uncheck it whatever, and you should be fine).


Get the latest drivers for your video card, and check the setup options to make sure the buffer in video memory is unchecked and the game should run fine. If not, try uninstalling then reinstalling.

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