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unlimited farming?


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Personally I think having to farm in a SWGB game should be removed. Maybe Shelters or something should replace food and as for the Trade Federation, they have droids. Droids = no food. Maybe the need for Oil or something..who knows.



Having to worry about a farm whilst in the heat of a battle is my top annoying factor in this game.


So, yes.. unlimited farming is a must, if farming must be done in SWGB 2.



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I think it should stay in. If you have the carbon (2500) you can store up to 50 (i believe thats the figure) in advance. If the took out them then the aquaharvesters go as well (extremely similair). yeah not too much of a prob. Nerfs/free food sources/aquasharv./trading are sources that limit the farming requirement.

I just can't think of an alternative food source after totally removing farms Like growing mildew?


Unlimited farming could be possible, if there was an upkeep cost (like 1 carb. a minute or something).

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I really prefer the AoM style. The farms does cost more there however, but that's only good, or else food would be too easy to get. Also, the farming doesn't go too quickly at the beginning, but you can buy upgrades to make them more effective.

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Originally posted by Darth54


P.S.: I really suck at modding, so plz do reply "try it yourself"


dont you mean DONT reply (try it yourself) ?


p.s.:its galaxy (yes i do have so much free time that i actually read peoples bio on the left :D )


In reply to your question : infinite farming would mean infinite ressources therefore in a long game (if those exist) a guy could just trade all the ressources he needs (yes i do know that the trade is somethin like 100 for 14, but anyway!):jawa

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

maybe there could be an auto-cue type of function that you turn on and off. if you turn it on, your farmers automatically make a new farm when the old one is depleted, and it charges you 50C for it as well.


that would ruin the whole point of "pre ordering the farms" though im not saying thats a bad thing ;)

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i actually like it the way it is.

the point of the S in RTS is STRATEGY. meaning all the microing involved.

you should be able to make farms while fighting, even if they run out, where it doesnt make a big difference if they've been sitting there for a bit.

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Kinda true. It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't something annoying about the game :p

But anyway, unlimited farming isn't a bad microing-reducing idea, auto-cue is good and keeping it the way it is is also not so bad.

It'S back to the all non-melee units attacking air units...it's who's good at microing or who's not. Farming is just as annoying(for me) then having a few fighters shooting on my ass when I don't have AA but I want to keep AA a seperate class. Don't be lazy...just click on the farm button or click your worker and right click on the depleted farm. It's basically the same with AA...

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