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Please someone help! with shaderED2


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Please someone help! with shaderED2.


I understand the alpha channel concept and saving my file as .tga but how the hell does shaderED2 work all I can find on the net and this forum is resources for Q3 ASE, or something for Q3. Well this is not Q3, and I don’t have the game or Q3 ASE


So maybe someone out there can help me find a manual or tutorials made for shaderED2 not related to G_ _ Damn (@#%&) Q3 or Q3 ASE. But made for jk2.


I have been banging my head up against a wall for a while searching for the elusive documents. I think maybe raven could have included some documentation on shaderED2 after all it’s there soft wear.


I hope some one will give a hand Please!!!!!!!


It might be a nooB question sorry!


Thanks svösh

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Try it out. Play around with existing shaders. Open the shader files in Notepad to see what they contain. Copy - paste the existing code to your own shader file and replace the image names (and shader name). That's how ShaderEd works. If you need more specific help, then it's up to someone else, I'm afraid.

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There are manuals for shaders. To put it lightly, read them. Even if you are a wizard at ShaderEd2, you will need to understand the fundamental concepts of shaders.


Frankly, I don't use ShaderEd2, because it is a waste of space. I can't beleive Raven actually put the effort in to program such a pitiful tool.


As previously mentioned, use notepad to start using ShaderEd2.


Oh, and as an aside, don't EVER say that there is no answer to a question. In your case, there was no answer at first because you are asking the wrong question: IE, is ShaderEd2 the best way to make shaders, which most anyone will tell you: IT IS NOT.

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For ShaderEd2 to work you need to have all the shaders in your base folder and all the textures in your base folder.


ShaderEd2 is a good way to make shaders because it lets you preview them without having to try it out ingame. It can be a hassle, it can be easier. I would suggest at least reading the shader bible. ShaderEd2 doesn't teach you much about shaders, so I wouldn't use it unless you already know how they work and what you're doing.

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Thanks everyone for your input, I asked this thread to be killed because it has been up for almost 3 weeks now and there have been 17 views and not one response ...... humm. So I just figured no one wanted to help or cared to give me a hand.


Wudan: "Oh, and as an aside, don't EVER say that there is no answer to a question. In your case, there was no answer at first because you are asking the wrong question: IE, is ShaderEd2 the best way to make shaders, which most anyone will tell you: IT IS NOT."


Why did it take so long for anyone to reply? To fill me in on this piece of common knowledge. Remember everyone has to start somewhere.


Where in my post did you see me ask is shaderEd2 the best? To put it lightly maybe you should READ first before attacking! I ‘m not starting a flaming war so let's put all this to rest.


If you have documents for shaderEd2 did they come with the jk2 sdk? Because I never got any documentation on it in my two downloads.



Lassev: I have played around with the existing shaders and I see how they are made (similar to animated gif’s but with alpha channels). All though the programming resembles java script. I’m by no means a programmer.


Emon: Thanks for the link but I have already downloaded the shader bible form another Q3 site in .pdf format. I am making some progress. However as I originally stated I was looking for documents on shaderEd2. but I will stop my search because they do not exist.



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Ok, so I didn't see the thread almost a month ago when it was posted and now my previous post makes *me* look like a moron.




I think I saw somewhere that some french site had some manual for ShaderEd2 they were making, but they might not exist anymore, as the JK2 community slowly fades out.


BTW, I didn't ever use ShaderEd2 because the damn thing was overcomplicating what should have been an easy process. It was easier for me to visualize and tinker with effects just editing the shader in notepad, but that's probably because I tried using ShaderEd2 a long time ago, when I was using Win98.

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