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Warning:Line 622 is incomplete[01]????

War Master

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When I try to open my map with GtkRadiant it gets stuck displaying the above warning message. When I load it up in JK2Radiant only 10% of the map shows up. WTF happened? Is there a way to fix this problem? If my map is ****ed this will be a serious blow to my project. :confused:

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Radiant crashed while I was saving. Fortunately, I made a backup of the map a couple of days ago and the remaining 10% of the messed up map was mostly the new part I was working on so I put the 2 together. Still a lot of work to do though. I never thought of using the .bak file. Do I just rename the extension to map and load it up?

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You may also have a copy in your Autosave (if you have autosave turned on)


Check for autosave.map


As a programmer (my profession) I follow the same rules when Mapping as when Programming.


Save... Save... Save....


Also, Make backups after any amout of significant work.


I usually select Files, Save As...








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