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Most humilating E-mail you have ever sent?


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What is the most embarrasing E-mail you have ever sent out? Mine was probably when I sent an e-mail to a girl I liked, and I said some.... hm.... things (:D) and the next morning, my dad found the e-mail. :D


Don't worry, we won't laugh at you... :evil3:

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Can we laugh at you? Hehehe. Why don't you just talk to the girl Z and tell her your thoughts in person. I had the same thing happen when this girl liked me and the only way she would talk to me was through notes. After a while I refused to take them and told her the only way I would communicate with her was in person. She got so scared she stopped talkig to me. Ahhhh freshman year.


Worst one ever was when I was really pissed at one of my buddies because for my birthday my mother got me tickets to go to a Sharks vs Blues game here in San Jose. Since I had never been to a live hockey game before I was extremely happy. I told him 6 months in advance that we were going and he said fine. A week before the game he then tells me no. I sent a really wordy Email to one of my other buddies who was also going . . . or so I thought. It turned out I sent it to the guy who was not going as opposed to the one who was going and that was rather embarrassing.



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The most humilating ones usually involve expressing true feelings, and then someone else gets it by mistake. :D


I can think of any of the top of my head, and I don't want to, but at the time I probably thought they were a little embarrasing. :p

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

Can we laugh at you? Hehehe. Why don't you just talk to the girl Z and tell her your thoughts in person. I had the same thing happen when this girl liked me and the only way she would talk to me was through notes. After a while I refused to take them and told her the only way I would communicate with her was in person. She got so scared she stopped talkig to me. Ahhhh freshman year.


Meh, it was School Vacation and she was in Maine. I was in 6th grade anyways. :p

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My outlook signature was.... altered by a friend of mine....


The line 'P***s Muncher' was added....


Would not have minded, except I did not spot this. Someone else did, a week later,.


I am a course rep at my Uni, and so email the head of Engineering and Rep comittee members and the Union Student Comittee....


When I found out, I built the world's largest hurt locker especially for him!

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