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Some noob questions... :-P


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Have mercy, I just started playing yesterday ! :o) ...and I have some questions...



How to perform the "special" moves/animations that I saw many people using? E.g. the "Turk sitting" (meditation pose), waving, and more...? I was told that it requires mods like JediMod, but firstly, the commands that were supposed to work with it didn't work :-/, and secondly, I saw people do these moves long before I had the mods installed...


When joining some servers - notably, Jolt - I see more skins on the player setup menu than other servers allow me to choose - does it mean the server has those skins, or does it simply allow me to choose the skins I have, regardless of whether they're on the server?


When I see people using non-default skins that I myself have - e.g. Vader - does the player actually use that skin, or does my game just show him as using it, for some reason? I'm asking because I saw people using e.g. the default Luke skin but screaming Jar-Jar's taunts (which I have in a Jar-Jar skin, and I assumed they only went with that skin...)


I saw people using double-edged sabers; what mod are they available in? I have the JediMod and Omnimod, but could only see a variety of one-edged sabers in their menus.


When I use a skin that someone doesn't have, what model will that person see me using? (I suspect Luke, since I saw a lot of Lukes on some servers, and they said they were using their own clan skins...?)


Which Maul skin is considered to be the most popular one? :) I'm asking since I use the skin maul/default, which I like the most, and I'd be glad if there was a better chance of other players having it, too, and seeing me as Maul :)


Do the "pure" servers work like e.g. MOHAAS "pure" (the stupid way - only the default .pk3 files are allowed in the base\ directory), or like the "pure" function should work (the size and CRC of the client's .pk3 files is checked against the default values stored by the server)

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The double bladed lightsaber is a cheat (some mods enable it by default) which is achived by using


devmap [mapname] (without the brackets)


to enable cheats, then turn saber off, and type /THEDESTROYER (or was it \THEDESTROYER ? I always forget) in the console.


Bring down console by holding shift and pressing tilde (the key to the left of the 1 key).


The Jar Jar voice thing I think is a bug with the "Dark Jar Jar" skin. Am I right? If not, check your base directory for stuff that's installed...


The "animations" like meditation and kissing and all that are enabled in certain mods, they are not enabled in the default game. When you see people using skins, that means they can see them as well as you, unless you have skins that REPLACE regular skins (ie: the Mercenary Kyle skin that replaces default Kyle). If you join a game and it lets you choose those skins, then that means they have those skins enabled.


Not sure about the pure server idea, since I haven't played MOHAA.


For more answers to questions, you might want to check out http://strategy.jediknightii.net

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