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Sexual Equality


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Just to make a wild jump here:


Who else than me would want to grow up in a society where everthing was unisex and children were raised the same way, regardless of gender?


I'm not asking because I'm perverted, but because I think the gender gap is a bad thing ("gender roles", etc.). Boys should be allowed to be as open as girls, for example. And as for the unisex thing: Why not? If they grow up in it, it'll be normal to them. And if you don't want people to see your naked body, wear a bathsuit:p.

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I'm with you Eagle, but I can't see it happening in the next 200 years. It's still something we should strive towards, though, for obvious reasons.


Gender roles are there for a reason. There are things men are better at than women (like being a modern soldier, though that may change), and vice versa.


The draft exists in my country, and I've already listed some practical issues with women getting drafted. Of course, if they're just as able as men, then let them join. Another problem with having women on the frontline is that when the female population takes a drastic drop from casualties, the birth rate isn't going to compensate.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Next, sexual abuse and the likes. You know a woman can get away with staring and sometimes even stalking a good deal easier than a guy.


'Cause it's not as common.


Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Having a baby doesn't exactly bring a submarine anywhere:).


What makes that sub sail is money as much as it's crew. No babies -> no money (or, for that matter, crew) -> stranded sub.


Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

IMO, the fact that girls aren't drafted is one of the most sexist problems in society. Think: How long would womens' right movements tolerate it if girls had to do something that guys didn't have to do?


Like having to bear children? Even if they don't want the child?


Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I agree, but "men and women" sounds to informal, and citizens could imply (I know you didn't mean it that way) that all non- US citizens living in the States are created differently (well, we are, but still:p). What about "humans"?


BTW, I believe "man" is an old way of saying "human", as in "mankind" instead of "humankind", so the constitution could meaning "humans", maybe? Anyone know?


It is.


(we sent a sub with a woman on it to Afghanistan, for example)


Eer... Am I the only one who can't see what a submersible would be doing in mountain war?


I'm against women in a general draft. Why? Well, I'm against a general draft, for one thing.


For another, if general draft was to have any meaning, it would mean that someone somewhere high up was counting on a lot of them not getting back. And men are far more expendable than women (for obvious reasons).

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--Like having to bear children? Even if they don't want the child?


No one have to bear children. You can have an abortion or you can have an operation of some kind to get the baby out alive without giving birth. That's got nothing to do with drafting anyhow.


-- Eer... Am I the only one who can't see what a submersible would be doing in mountain war?


Patrolling the seas outside of Iraq and Afghanistan.


Same as sending the USS enterprise to a desert war. Of course it's not going trough the desert, but it's patrolling the seas and being an airbase.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

-- Eer... Am I the only one who can't see what a submersible would be doing in mountain war?


Patrolling the seas outside of Iraq and Afghanistan.


Same as sending the USS enterprise to a desert war. Of course it's not going trough the desert, but it's patrolling the seas and being an airbase.


Yeah. Forgot to add the j/k. Sovvy. Me bad (but just picture it for a moment: Red October ploughing through the Afghani mountains, lol).

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look ever isnce the start of time.......... blah blah blah(we'll skip the history) Over time women have been ignored and now we are finally getting our voice heard we can vote , work, learn, participate n sports too. but seroiusly we are all sexist. ik or examplle we say men can't wear make up or can't cook or shouldn't cook or something or other. (it' really early ok)like men say tht women can'tbe president.(some say no some say yes) somepeople think




men-work for themoney do aall the financial work

women-take care of house cooking kids school of kids and other


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Welcome to the boards, Marichui.


men-work for themoney do aall the financial work

women-take care of house cooking kids school of kids and other


That is pretty much the stereotype.


About female drafting: I think they should be, but you're right, there are some fields where men would do better (unless, of course, you've got some female candidates who are better than men:)).


Make-up.. thing is, most men don't want to wear make-up anyway. We think it looks good on girls, horrible on boys. We're kind of strange that way:p.


My example would be hugging and physical contact. For crying out loud, girls can kiss without anyone looking twice at them for it, but if boys do as much as hug, we're labelled as "homos". By some girls, even.


About presidentism, I don't think that's the people's job anyway, but the task of the people-elected political party, who by law can't appoint a president on basis of colour, heritgage, gender, partner's gender, etc. But that's a different discussion:).

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Patrolling the seas outside of Iraq and Afghanistan.


Same as sending the USS enterprise to a desert war. Of course it's not going trough the desert, but it's patrolling the seas and being an airbase.

Afghanistan is a landlocked country, and Iraq is landlocked for the most part except for a tiny bit of coast on the Persian Gulf. Naval ships are used as transportation, and carriers for their mobility, but not sure of foreign submarines. The States use them as nuclear ballistic missile platforms, and can be used for ballistic missile strikes, but I don't know if the sub he said was sent to afganistan has those capabilities. Also, landlocked countries usually don't have proficient navies, so patrolling the closest sea is a tad irrelevent.


As for makeup on guys, I knew of a guy who would use some concealer around his eyes to cover the dark spots. Never would have known if someone didn't tell me they caught him doing it. As for being called a homo for it, or for any reason, is a little juvenile. As is being worried that someone might call you a homo. I imagine a man who uses makeup is probaly secure enough in his sexuality to brush off such a comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by munik

The States use them as nuclear ballistic missile platforms, and can be used for ballistic missile strikes, but I don't know if the sub he said was sent to afganistan has those capabilities. Also, landlocked countries usually don't have proficient navies, so patrolling the closest sea is a tad irrelevent.


OFF TOPIC: The sub ("Sælen") was, I believe, not equipped to launch missiles, which wasn't its job either. It, along with the corvette (Olfert Fisher), were to monitor the sea off-shore from Iraq, in order to track and possibly intercept ships that had no business in the area, as well as generally reporting the going-ons of the area (help in catching blokade runners, illegal arms dealers, smugglers, ect. that the war was likely to stir up), not for combatting the almost non-existing navy of Iraq.

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