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MP questions


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i made a map and tested it in single player. it was ment for multiplayer all along. so when i thought i was done, it tested it out, and it didnt work right in MP....


There is this weird water sound in certain areas when i walk around....


a door with a switch wont work right, but it worked in SP, now when i press the button in MP the button disapears :(


and half of my skins dont work right...i clicked desann, and kyle showed up, i clicked luke and kyle showed, but i clicked someone else, and they showed up right, then i ran it again, and luke ran right....whats up with this...i cant release the map if u cant even use the skins that come with the game right! please someone help please, im so close to finishing, but i have no cluse at all what to do now. :(




:(Thank You for any help you can give me!!!!!!!! I need it really bad!


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ok, ill remember that...


im really worried about the skins though....



heres the detail about the door stuff


classname trigger_multiple




angle 360


wait 2


target t2




classname func_usable




classname func_door


soundset large_door


speed 50


angle 180


wait 2


targetname t2





so thats it.....anything else?


hope u can help....thanks



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I'm at work now so can't check it, but the spawnflag of trigger... the Playeronly isn't SP specific?


And with that func_usable... don't you have to set something for it?


I ask, because no Radiant here and never will be. :) In the evening I can check these things and post something useful maybe.

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OK, after a little research:



classname trigger_multiple



This can be a problem, because in MP 'spawnflags 7' means USE_BUTTON and RED_ONLY and BLUE_ONLY. So maybe that's why to rock stays where it is.


angle 360

Since there is no FACING in MP this is also not necessary.


wait 2


target t2



Question: why do you use that func_usable exactly? As I remember in Richs tutorials it is for buttons, yes. BUT! He uses two func_usables with two different textures (the on and off buttons) on them. Only one of them is visible always, so it is a normal behaviour that is disappears for you.

Originally written by Rich Diesal in his tutorial


The func_usable itself isn't that difficult of a concept. You have two brushes overlapping each other, each a func_usable. One is set to "off" and one is set to "on." When the entity is "off," it can't be seen. When the entity is "on," it can be seen. Thus, when the door is active, we want the "on" switch turned on and the "off" switch turned off. When the door is not active, we want the "on" switch turned off and the "off" switch turned on!


If you didn't understand that, take a deep breath and keep reading it over and over again until you do. (:

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I think Leslie has your button prob covered just fine man--and as for the skins--I wouldn't worry about them. What your ARE going to get skewered by is the water sounds--a MP mappers worst nightmare (at least for me).


(super simplified explanation)

They happen 'cause the MP compiler cannot determine different sounds from textures correctly--like in SP. Only two walking/running sounds can be used--the standard clop clod clop you hear in EVERY MP map...and the water wading sound.


The only way I personally know how to fix that is replace the textures that make the wading sound with the SAME texture--but put in your own custom textures folder and renaming it--then recompiling. There is a way--I suppose--to set the actual texture sound properties, but I have absolutely NO idea how to do that 'cause it sure aint in the worldspawn.


You have some work ahead of you. Good luck!

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