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This is kind of strategy, kinda not, read it and take what is said seriously so you dont make a fool of yourself.


Anyone who has ever played with me before knows I bitch about lag all the time, as I constantly have 300 or more ping, now I realize most people with my lag dont bitch about it as much as me, but then again, most people with my lag have never played with 50 ping and dont realize the impact it makes on the game.


Let me tell you a little story -

One day a man named Templar was engaging multiple enemies in a saber only FFA game on JK2, after lots and lots of fighting, the FFA kind of died out, so he went on to duel a few people in the same server - He won his first 4 duels, then a new opponent arised, he dueled this opponent and only got one hit on him before he was slain himself, so Templar being the fighter he is, went back and fought again, and again, and again, losing each time. Well his opponent decided at one point to call Templar a newbie, and engage in a verbal fight with him, after several insults were thrown, Templar vowed to fight this person, and the other 4 people that were in his clan on the server at a later time, and left angry. The next day (saturday) Templar went to his local internet gaming place, and logged onto a very fast t3 connection on JK2:JO, and the first thing Templar did was go back to this clans server, and began to start a ruckus, calling out each of the 7 clan members online to fight him, One by one they fell, never dropping Templar below 100 health and 50 armor, one after another after another. Finally one remained, the same one who thought he was so much better than Templar just a day before, Templar decided to be kind to the person, and let him and his 6 clan members fight him 7v1. A 5 minute long fight incurred, at the end of the massive battle, one wartorn person stand amongst the pile of corpses, Templar, had won the fight, by a long shot. Turning off his lightsaber, and telling the fallen clan members "Who is the newbie now?", Templar was banned permanently from that server, declared a scripter.


This story was to anyone who has dueled someone and won more than once and talked trash to the other person, being ignorant to the disadvantages they are at, please people, before you talk trash to anyone, put yourself in their shoes for a bit, see how you fare.

If you dont, the same thing may happen to you.

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Nicely done =)


I agree 100% about ping and a system being a major factor in the game.


I just started playing this game (yes I'm a year late I know) but I'm mainly a UT2003 player.


I really like Jedi Knight 2 and I hope there are still lots of people playing it online.


I only saw about 700 servers with a few people on last night so I'm not sure if I've missed all the fun :|


But anyway, very impressive 7v1 match and I'm glad you showed them.


People that are good should be humble about it and not brag, so those clan members calling you a newb etc... were totally ignorant and deserved the beating you gave them =)

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5 minutes! What took so long? I could have done it in two. I am just giving you crap now.


Was friendly fire on? I love FF. I never give people a hard time unless they do it to me first. I have also only ever kicked one person from my server because of their lag (around 450) and it was that way consistently.


Best story I have heard about where you were banned. Why did they say you were a scripter? It isn't hard to do any move in the JO world and on top of that if you were a scripter wouldn't you have done that the first time?



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Nah FF wasnt on, if it had been they would have killed each other faster than I could have, and I think they called me a scripter because I kick-DFA'ed 3 of them to death after they tried to YDFA me, each one giving there "OMFG bull****!" statements, and I could still go back in to that server and brag on this machine, as that was on a diff comp w/ diff ip and all, but I'm better than that, and dont need to press the issue anymore, and a few of them post on this forum quite often, so I know they have read this, glad to see they are being quiet now.

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