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Assimilate Problems - or - Why I want to shoot my computer.

Infinity Blade

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Well... here's the deal....


I'm finally getting some of my models ready to be put in game, but I appear to have a slight problem between 3dsmax, and Assimilate.


When it comes out the other end, half is normal, the other half decided to jump out of place:




Now... I've tried a variety of things... none of which seem to work. I've tried using Xform, and it didn't affect anything. I've checked virtually everything I could think of, and searched a good deal online for any possible help I could find.


Alas, I couldn't find a thing to help me. During a few other attempts to get it to work, I generated an "error 6120" or something to that effect in Assimilate. Any ideas what it means? Another thing I noticed is that all my tags seem to be in the wrong places in Modview, even though they should be in the right spots according to 3dsmax.


I hope someone can provide some insight, and offer thanks in advance. I just hope that I can find a solution other than having to redo alot of work.

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This might be a combination of Xform properties and pivot points not lined up with the "stupidtriangle_off" pivot.


Since i dont have the model in front of me i cannot say im 100% sure (some very similar stuff happened to me in the beginning)


I can take a look at it if you want.


EDIT: Now i recall having another problem like that but i could not identify the cause, i know that xform modifier wasnt working.


But when i looked at the mesh's bones in the skin modifier, the envelopes were out of place and created weird deformation.


I think i had to remove the skin modifier and re-weight those parts and maybe something else...(sorry i have bad memory)

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