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Mr. Chopper

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Hi everyone. Being new this forum I have a few questions

1. Is there any way to turn lights on and off? Like using a trigger, for example.

2. Is it possible to script in multiplayer? Are there any sites for scripting tutorials?

Thx in advance for the assistance.

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Oh well, it was worth a shot. Well now I have two other questions. I got a large pane of glass in a map I'm playing around with, I drew the brush using caulk, then textured the faces of the brush in glass_nolightmap or something to that effect. My problem is, in-game, the glass looks all splotchy and dosen't look like the glass on some of the MP levels (CTF NS streets comes to mind). My second problem/question is.. is it possible to set a 'radius' around which a door will activate?

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1. Use nodraw_solid instead of caulk on the glass brush, then texture the visible faces with glass. Then make sure the brush is a detail brush (Ctrl+M).


2. Make a brush textured in system/trigger around the door, right-click, and select trigger_multiple. Then select the trigger, select the door, and press Ctrl+K to target the trigger at the door. Now the door will open whenever a player enters the trigger brush, however big or small that area may be. Make sure you have a wait value on the trigger that is larger than the wait value on the door to keep the trigger from causing the door to "open" while it's already opening :).

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...and the questions just keep on comin........ I got a wall that I've split into several pieces because of making doors or whatnot. The texture on this particular wall looks a little off, right around where I did the cutting of the brush. Is there any way to 'blend' it to make it look like it was just one big wall?

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Have you used the surfase inspector? First select some textured face of some brush, then press S on your keyboard. You'll get a window that lets you manipulate your textures any way you want. And if you use glass textures, remember that they are often quite small and need to stretched to got a good result.


But with the wall business exactly, you might also try out, for trial's sake, the third button of your mouse. First select the textured face you want to modify, the click the "properly" textured face of the other, adjacent brush with the third button. That should align the badly alingned to follow exactly the pattern of the good brush.

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Originally posted by de.Legion

If the brush is detailed already, you should use caulk.

You know, I had trouble with this once. The inner surface of the window was in the same plane as inner surface of surrounding walls. Same for the outer surfaces. And the textures on the walls around the window edges were autocaulked by q3map2. I haven't tried nodraw_solid just nodraw (wich made the window nonsoild of course :)), but finally I moved the inner surface of the window out of that plane making the window thinner. So caulking can be a problem sometimes.
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