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win a FREE copy of star wars galaxies in the po tournament


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k the po clan is holding a tournament but basically no1 has regestered 4 it:( so im here 2 tell u about it!!k the tournament will b held if we can get enuf people 2 regester 4 it on our fourms! but i guess u can post here 2^_^the only bad thing about the tournament is that it costs $5 to enter:( but its 2 help pay 4 the game:)and there will b a 2nd palce prize 2 but we havent dcided yet.u can go 2 the clan site http://www.geocities.com/prodigaloutcasts/ and regester under the fourms section under the post tournament or watever its called rite now^_^hope 2 c ya there ~Monkey

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Look i just thought it would be somthing fun to do......but i guess i can see your point. do you honestly think we would post somthing on this forum if it was a scam ....but whatever dont do it if you are nervouse. I thought it would to be a good way to get the clan more well known and hopfully have future events like that . guess i was wrong ......cripes if yer gonna run a scam its kinda not smart to POST IT and risk being arested, so fine ....if anyone Is interested in still doing this i can assure that its not a scam and if you win you will recieve a New UNOPENED copy of star wars Galaxies ! and alos dude about the freeweb space ...why pay when you can do somthin that serves the purpose for free


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Originally posted by ProdigalSon

Look i just thought it would be somthing fun to do......but i guess i can see your point. do you honestly think we would post somthing on this forum if it was a scam ....but whatever dont do it if you are nervouse. I thought it would to be a good way to get the clan more well known and hopfully have future events like that . guess i was wrong ......cripes if yer gonna run a scam its kinda not smart to POST IT and risk being arested, so fine ....if anyone Is interested in still doing this i can assure that its not a scam and if you win you will recieve a New UNOPENED copy of star wars Galaxies ! and alos dude about the freeweb space ...why pay when you can do somthin that serves the purpose for free


I never meant to bash you man,it's just a little unbelieveable, trimual at that.

And another thing,they discontinued the release date of Galaxies so there would be no point there neither :p

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Actually if you ever played in tournaments before . . .


That is how they get people to play. Cards for example provide "free" cards based on how well you do in the tournament. EX: Get first and get like 12 boosters (roughly 180 cards) or get last and still get 3 boosters for a five dollar entry fee. What is so wrong of getting around 10 groups together, paying an entry fee, to get something ten times its value or to have fun. It is just a ploy to try to get people to join.


Good for business and all.


EDIT: I don't want to sign up at your boards. "My clan and I can make it if you tell us a date. Weekends work best. We cannot pay so if that is still needed this is out of the question but you still have people to come."


Email: sexyprz@hotmail.com

IM: BigTeddyPaul

MSN: same as Email



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Actually, card tournys and OFFICIAL tournys have their own pade for domain,like cards=wizards of the cost,quake3=ravensoft.

So on and so forth >.>

But this isn't exactly official and how do we know that this kid only wants our money so he can get it for himself <.<

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ok mobious

if i told you i was pushing 30 years old whould that give me anymore creadibility lol. well im 25 but still thats pretty old to be scaming ppl on a pc game! any way i just wanna have some fun ....ya know thats what this game is all about. i just wanna cover the cost of the game so that i dont have to go out and buy it myself..ive allready invested too much money in this game, time also. i thought this game would get everyone exited and want to do it ..i would . Who knows if we get enough ppl to sign up the entry fee could go down to like 1 dollar , now thats not too much to ask is it . I understand why you are kinda stand offish about this but please believe me when i tell you im not trying to scam anyone :)



Im not even goin to participate in the tourney..how much more can i give of myself!

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

heheh. He would probably say that you are not even playing because that is one more dollar that you might lose if your "ace" that you hired doesn't win for you.


Hehehe. You big thief! How dare you think up a scheme to take my dollar!





Lol Teddy

You are prolly right , arrg why do i bother . anyway, besides this tourney which verry fast seems not to be working out , id like to arrange a friendly ffa with you and you clan . If that interests you let me know


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