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Changing saber colors in SP....


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....throughout the game. I can make a custom menu for a map so that it loads with the new saber, but that way the other color only works when you load your new game. How would you make it so that the saber is, say, green, throughout the game, no matter the level loaded. I KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE because it has been done in Quigon007's Episode 3 "TC". I have thoughrouly gone through that .pk3 file but cannot find out what needs to be done that I have not done. I have editted the sabers.shader file, switching the green and blue files, but the saber is still blue. Previously, I had gotten it to work, except the "green" (orginally blue) saber had a saber trail that was blue. Can anyone PLEASE help?

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Let me quote myself...

Originally posted by boinga1

I can make a custom menu for a map so that it loads with the new saber, but that way the other color only works when you load your new game. How would you make it so that the saber is, say, green, throughout the game, no matter the level loaded.


I already saw that! Sorry!

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Have you tried a config file that enables, changes colour of the saber, and disables cheats aswell as setting the sabercolor value in the npcs.cfg?


I'm sure that worked for me..


I'll have a look and see if I can find anything else.

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