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Museum looting

Zoom Rabbit

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I've seen a lot of stuff in museums that was labeled 'ritual' when their true purpose was unknown. Scholars hate to say 'I don't know,' and I think the 'ritual' category is the last pigeonhole they have left when none other will fit.


If I were to take the removeable plastic belt clip off my walkman and send it ten thousand years into the future, a scientist would have no clue in the universe what it was. He would probably say that SONY was a dedication to the city goddess of New York City and that the clip was a ceremonial pocket decoration to be worn on the annual festival to SONY...



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Many years ago, my father put it best:


You want to hear something messed up? Five thousand years from now, if you were watching whatever passes for the Discovery Channel, you'd see them digging up dead people from the present. It would sound insane. "We can tell this man was a great chieftain, for his body was adorned with many tattoos to the twin gods, Harley and Davidson."
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