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Subtitles are .sp files that go in the /strip directory. You can find Raven's examples in assets1.pk3. Here's the first part of the kejim_post.sp file:





CONFIG W:\bin\striped.cfg

ID 58

REFERENCE KEJIM_POST <<this points to the map name

DESCRIPTION "kejim_post"




REFERENCE 01JAO001 <<this point to the wave file

TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Preparing for final approach. Whatever's causing those transmissions, it's not showing up on any of the sensors. This Imperial outpost looks as abandoned as reported."

TEXT_LANGUAGE2 "Préparation pour l'approche finale. Aucune trace de l'origine de ces transmissions sur les détecteurs. Cet avant-poste impérial a l'air aussi abandonné qu'on nous l'avait annoncé."

TEXT_LANGUAGE3 "Vorbereitung auf den Landeanflug. Was auch immer für diese Übertragungen verantwortlich ist, es zeigt sich nicht auf den Sensoren. Dieser imperiale Außenposten wirkt genau so verlassen, wie er sein soll."





TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "It's as dead as the rest of Kejim. Mon Mothma must be getting paranoid. She never used to send pros like us out on blue milk runs like this."

TEXT_LANGUAGE2 "Il est mort, comme tout le reste sur Kejim. Mon Mothma doit devenir parano. Elle n'est pas du genre à envoyer des pros sur des missions de débutants!"

TEXT_LANGUAGE3 "Er ist so tot wie der Rest von Kejim. Mon Mothma muss langsam paranoid werden. Sie hat noch nie Profis wie uns auf so eine Vergnügungstour geschickt."



(And so on)


Make sure that your "reference" info is in caps, and that the you point to the right wave file. You might also have to call the .sp file the same name as your .bsp, but I'm not certain.


Also, remember to force subtitles during the Rodian's talky-bits (use the Set /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_USE_SUBTITLES", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); command in behaved), so that the player can read them whether subtitles are on or off.

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You can also use the "Print" command in BehavEd, but here are a couple of points to keep in mind:


1) It seems you must have an exclamation point in the beginning of your string. So if you wanted to say "Hello world", your string would actually have to say "!Hello world"


2) The print command doesn't seem to work when placed within an "affect" statement. It has to be outside in the main body of the script.


3) This can be problematic if you have a dialogue between two characters and you want to insert a line of text within a nested "affect" statement. I get around this by calling another script with the "use" command ("use" a target scriptrunner in your level that targets your print script)


Hope this helps.



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Originally posted by clu

3) This can be problematic if you have a dialogue between two characters and you want to insert a line of text within a nested "affect" statement. I get around this by calling another script with the "use" command ("use" a target scriptrunner in your level that targets your print script)

:D Then why not use target_prints instead of another scriptrunners?


OKOK, I know. If you wanna print multiple lines the script is the good solution.


/me stupid :D

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are you talking about target_print in radiant? Or in scripting (behaved)


If you are talking about the target_print in radiant just type message in for the key than for the value type your message, however this will not work for subtitles if it is in a cutscene, than you will have to use the above so well'ly' stated

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