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Recommended UK Server?


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Hey people,

Can anyone recommend a UK Based Duel or FFA Server (hence me getting a good ping I hope) that isn't constantly full of clan-boys calling me all-sorts 'cos I ain't quite Yoda with a saber yet?


I really enjoy the MP aspect of JO, and since getting Broadband connected, it's infinitely easier to play online but the attitude of some of these people is starting to grate on me now.


[rant] Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking clans; I respect them and that, and would like to join one myself one day; but if they don't want Noob's in the same room as them, why can't they play on a private server? Jeez. :mad: [/rant]


Anyway, any ideas folks? :D

Thanks as always,


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Try here:


Infinite-Fragging, JK2-1.04, Public #1, Duel


It is a Full Force duel server but you won't encounter "fanboys" there.


What you will find is a large number of "hardcore" players from the U.K. and Germany.


If you really want to get good at Full Force saber only that is probably the best U.K. server to play in.


The competition level may seem high at first and you may get a little frustrated but the only way to get better is to seek out better players and learn from your mistakes.


I play there a lot and if you ever see me give me a shout and I'll teach you some stuff.

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