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YDFA is Stuffing Up! (saber questions)


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Okay, recently, when I've been dueling and playing FFA, I often do YDFA to rake up a quick kill. However, for some unknown reason, when I do it, my characted, well its hard to explain. He looks like he is standing on the spot, then he follows the path of the YDFA, and then is pushed away from the person who should be dead. No damage is inflicted onto the recrpricant of the attack!


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A lot of people call that the "yellow DFA fake out". On dueling servers you will see it more often because some people use it as a tactic during their fights.


There is also a move that sort of looks like they are completing a yellow DFA but immediately do a backflip, etc. upon landing, without the normal delay that you see in a real yellow DFA. This move only has the damage of a normal swing in yellow instead of the regular yellow DFA.

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Sounds like he is kicking you while you are trying to YDFA him, I do this alot when people try to YDFA me, its fairly easy to kick them without getting hit and knocking them back - Its better to wait until they land the YDFA though then kick-DFA them

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Soz bout the first one, accidently hit enter! Anyway, me and my brother created a local server and went on. One of us stood still, away from the keyboard, and the other did YDFA. However, the character assumes a "on guard" position, moves up into the air, and is pushed back a considerable distance. It only happens sometimes, but if someone could tell me how to record demos, maybe I could post one. Its very difficult to explain...

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Honestly I haven't done any serious saber dueling in awhile, so this would be something I'd have to play around with for awhile. I don't think I have the time just now... but maybe someday.


Again, if somebody comes up with a good demo, send it my way...

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I can't say I have encountered your particular problem before, but the YDFA has lots of little bugs like that. It usually depends on the map. One problem I see alot is when you do the YDFA, land, and then seem to do it again on the ground. This usually occurs on the outdoor duel map near the little stream. I'm almost certain it has to do with positional issues.

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After doing lots of practice and research I found out what the problem is - This happens on all maps on all servers - I dont know how to do the messed up YDFA myself - But its basically where someone starts a YDFA, goes up in the air and all, then stops and falls to the ground, not by using emotes, but some keystrokes do it - and when they do this messed up YDFA, anyone who is marked as client number 0 on the server is pushed a few feet in one direction - A simple solution to this is to join a server that already has players in it, so that he is marked as client # 0

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I have a similar but yet more strnge effect.

I'm running a server (yes I'm player #0), there's only 3 people playing FFA that turns inta a duel the winner, mi 2 friend get a saber lock on ffa_deathstar (in the cargo bay really close to the entrance), I'm staring in the same bay but really close to the force field, they fight the lock until one of them wins, moment when I get pushed back or pulled forward the equivalent to 2/3 foots. really weird and it seems to be 100% player #0 related.

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Indeed it is very strange, and just a note if you are wondering, you do NOT have to be the person they are doing the messed up YDFA to, you could be dueling someone else and someone across the server does it and it will still push you, it gets very annoying if you are dueling

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