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Player Assosiation Official?


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Ok, ive got a really big Q thats probrobly been answered but here I go. Is there a way for a person, to say, ok im making a PA and its called this, then it will become and official faction and the person who made it will be able to add people and take them off as he likes. That way its completely official so you can wage war on or against other factions? I need too know!

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Well, there's a HUGE difference between a PA and a faction.


A faction is either the Imperials and Rebels. All overt members are always at war with each other, and can attack each other freely (unless you're in a starting town). Killing enemy faction members will yield you faction points, which gives you bonus equipment, services, and even ranks.


A PA is an association made by players. When you start it, you get to build a guild hall (yes, even before the player cities patch), and from there you can decide who has the right to join, recruit, stay in the hall etc. A PA can declare war on another PA if the other PA accepts, and then all members of the PA's are free to shoot each others on sight. There is no faction points to win by this, it is a RP event that is there for you to enjoy the thrill of a PA war, to settle a dispute (most kills in 12 hours get's to build a town at location X etc), or merely to spice things up if you don't think there's enough PvP in the game.


Membership of a PA is official. So is membership of a faction. Also, 'membership' of a PA town will not be linked to a PA necessarily, as things looks right now. That means you can eventually have no less than three loyalties, one to a faction, one to a PA, and one to the town you live in.

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