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alrite i dont get this. wen i do a full vis bsp process in jk2radiant it works, but wen i do a full vis bsp process in gtkradiant it doesnt work.. its weird. wen i do the full vis for jk2rad i open my level an i can play fine. wen i do a full vis for gtkrad, i do some extreme change to see if the bsp process works, but wen i get in the game it looks EXACTLY like the jk2radiant one.. i dont get this. my bsp monitoring for gtkradiant is on. wat else do i need to do?

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Turn it off. :) Really. If you have it on GtkRadiant trys to connect to the compiler. Only q3map2 can be connected. FullVis uses sof2map for compiling.


I'm sure you noticed the error message about connection timed out. And because of that GtkRadiant doesn't run the whole compile process.


So it is better if you turn off BSP monitoring. That way GtkRadiant doesn't try to connect to the compiler and it will run probably the same way as when you start it from JK2Radiant.

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First of all, please improve your spelling. Put the extra 2 letters in each word. Grammar can change the meaning of the sentence.


Second, avoid using both programs for one map. There is another post about a new bsp not being made.


originally posted by lauser

REMEDY----> Use one or the other, not both.


BSP monitoring is mainly for finding leaks and invalid/duplicated planes. If the map debug window is empty after compile, monitorinh can't help you.

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Um ok Leslie. I checked out that thread and now I have another question.... I turned off the Bsp Monitoring thing and compiled my map. To my amazement it still didn't work! In GTKRadiant I created another building, and when I compiled it in GTKRadiant and launched my level, the building wasn't there. I'm baffled.


Oh and sorry Master_Thomas. I was a in a bit of a rush. Is this satisfactory?:p

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Originally posted by Shotokan

I use the compiler that came with JK2Radiant.

Erm... this is not sure. The new GtkRadiant (1.2.12 or later) comes with an own copy of sof2map. Theoretically it is the same file you got with JK2Radiant but... there is a but... :)


Btw. does your last post mean that you can compile your map finally?

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Oh lol. Sorry for being unclear Leslie. Right now I've switched to JK2Radiant for now. BUT... when I compile theres this error message that pops up - "Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick." LoL. I've deleted everything that I have done recently and I still get that message! Deleting everything worked before...

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But I still don't get it. (GTKRadiant uses q3map2 doesn't?) When I try to compile with GTKRadiant nothing changes. Like I said, I would do some radical change in my map and try to compile it with GTKRadiant and nothing would change. Please specify one thing for me. Since I am still a bit new to mapping, I'm still unclear about the compilers... Which Radiant thing uses what compiler? Or both? Or how do I use one compiler rather than the other?

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JK2Radiant uses sof2map only.


GtkRadiant uses both. If you choose a compile option with a name similar to JK2Radiant compile options it will start sof2map. If you want GtkRadiant to use q3map2 then choose a compile option starting with "Q3Map2".


So BSP FullVis will use sof2map in both editors.

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Ok I've downloaded GTKRadiant 1.2.11. I've been using 1.2.8 earlier so that may be the cause of my problem :D (silly of me that I have not thought of that.) Well... Theres a whole lot of compiling processes and I don't know what q3map2 compile is the equivalent of a FullVis compile for sof2map. Could you help me out?

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