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Originally posted by SpyCatcher

I hate to say this but not every person is able to take advantage of the exploits it is cheating any way you look at it....

I echo boinga1's question. Why can't every person take advantage of the exploits? What's stopping them?
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Originally posted by Prime

I echo boinga1's question. Why can't every person take advantage of the exploits? What's stopping them?


Well i still dont know how to get up on some buildings... there is no manual to tell you how.... so as i see it its cheating... would i use it if i new how... NO... well i would use it to go get some one that was up there.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

Well i still dont know how to get up on some buildings... there is no manual to tell you how.... so as i see it its cheating... would i use it if i new how... NO... well i would use it to go get some one that was up there.

Isn't that a little unfair? There are tons of things in JO that aren't mentioned in the manual. Just because you choose not to use these things, why shouldn't other people?
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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Jeff, that bug can dominate games, I had a demo of it being used literally non-stop. When a player never misses a rocket shot for 20 minutes, when the rockets home at the cost of only one ammo, and when the homing rockets fly at the speed of normal rockets, it can dominate a game.

Okay, I guess you're right. Last night I ran into creator, who was whoring a rocket script. He wasn't dominating the game, but it was really annoying, and he was getting most of his kills through this lame method. He actually beat staind, who's really good, in a 1v1 thanks to the rocket bug. :rolleyes:

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Wow, its been awhile since I posted... Anyways, there hasn't been much cheating that I have seen. I don't really mind the homing rocket exploit. It makes the game more challenging for me. As for other cheats, I know some people that hack... but those are very few (like two that I know of). I haven't heard of the other cheats such as unlimited health. And I agree with Jeff

Going up on top of the buildings in ctf_ns_streets in FFA games is fun. When the flag-carrier does it in CTF it's pretty lame, though.
I love wall floating! :D I've been accused of having unlimited force before... but I was lucky to have a teammate that knew how to play CTF and use Team Energize. :rolleyes: They should have read the manual. At one point, I felt like I should leave JKII since players accuse others of cheating just because they get killed; in addition to the racist remarks some people make. But, with that aside, I still enjoy playing JKII. :)
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Originally posted by Prime

Isn't that a little unfair? There are tons of things in JO that aren't mentioned in the manual. Just because you choose not to use these things, why shouldn't other people?


Well if you not got the skill to stay alive with the Flag, and have to go hide up on building thats your choice... its still Sad as you know that 99% of the players will not know how to get up there, and with push you should be able to stop the other 1% getting you.

DeTRiTiC-iQ Hmm, I occasionally make use of map glitches in public servers, but if someone asks me how to do it, i'll show them.


Will have to take you up on that, as I hate games where i cant get to the Flag becuse the guy cant keep hold of it any other way.

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I think that's the biggest problem in JK2 CTF; both sides have their enemy's flag, the hide somewhere high up and push anyone away who tries to get them.


It makes CTF so incredibly boring!!! Especially on warring factions, it can last for like 20 mins :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I think that's the biggest problem in JK2 CTF; both sides have their enemy's flag, the hide somewhere high up and push anyone away who tries to get them.


It makes CTF so incredibly boring!!! Especially on warring factions, it can last for like 20 mins :rolleyes:


I was on a CtF server (sorry cant remeber the name of the server) but it must of had the maps re done or a mod that stop you getting on to these ledges.


The best CtF games are the fast and the furius ones. and even better if its a very close game :) the worst games are when its a one man team, the Flag runner is better than your whole team, and can get in and out with the flag.. and the rest of there team sits on there flag.

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Originally posted by SpyCatcher

Thanks for responding people but I am not sure what "Laming" means I was refering to the numerous different cheats that are available (different stances, more power in the saber when striking, using 4 dirrerent force power at once, unlimited health). Has these been corrected I would like to begin playing again. Let me know please.


Oh, I forgot to put this in my other post but... Yeah, I believe you can use 4 force powers at once. I did it a few times before and it wasn't any MOD server or any cheat. How to do it... well, I'll leave that up to you to find out. :D

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suck it up people!! i have been in fights why people script or bind moves but, there is only one way to beat them and that is, just get better. Its a simple solution to a big problem :D i have been in 50 toutaments and i got 2 place in the last one. i fight people everyday who script the dfa or backslash. just learn how to block dodge and counter. Works like a charm. i hope this helped :p

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Haven't we all been in those kinds of fights? I don't think anyone is whining really. Most of us here are probably veterans (at least I am) of the game and can probably beat people who script and bind moves. Then when I kill them, they accuse me of cheating and then disconnect. Heh.... Just makes the victory more sweet! :D

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I think a lot of people are confusing mods that are running on servers (check the server info before joining). I have never seen a cheat on a pure server.


Cheats can be enabled by the host, but that's about it. A few "exploits" existed in previous versions of the game, but those were all fixed that I could see.


Homing rockets are no problem if you have Force Push (or dodge around a corner at the right moment).


If you are worried about cheaters, get the latest patch and simply join a Pure Server, and your problems should disappear.


And yes, a lot of people (sadly) cry "cheater" just because they lost and/or don't understand how the game works.


See my strategy site below (and point others to it) to help dispel some of these newbie misconceptions....

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I think a lot of people are confusing mods that are running on servers (check the server info before joining). I have never seen a cheat on a pure server.


Cheats can be enabled by the host, but that's about it. A few "exploits" existed in previous versions of the game, but those were all fixed that I could see.


Homing rockets are no problem if you have Force Push (or dodge around a corner at the right moment).


If you are worried about cheaters, get the latest patch and simply join a Pure Server, and your problems should disappear.


And yes, a lot of people (sadly) cry "cheater" just because they lost and/or don't understand how the game works.


See my strategy site below (and point others to it) to help dispel some of these newbie misconceptions....

Excellent points :)


As for scripts, when I played with them a while back, I found them to be a hinderance rather than an advantage. Learning how to do the moves naturally has been much more effective for me.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Homing rockets are no problem if you have Force Push (or dodge around a corner at the right moment).


Have you ever actually seen the bug we're talking about being used? Yes, you can prevent the rockets from hitting you, but:

--It's harder to do so than against a normal homing rocket.

--They can fire twice as many homing rockets as they should be able to.

--They don't have to be aiming at you for the rockets to home in.


It's a very cheap and annoying bug that, if scripted and used repeatedly at close range, can be quite difficult to counter. Fortunately, most good players don't use this bug, but there are a few lamers out there--and in this case, the term "lamer" is quite fitting.

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I have seen this before. You must really suck if u cant dodge with rocket. push works and dodging works {even with the faster rocket}. If u dont like that then join a server with no guns and have fun. before u all complain i think u should train. there is always a way to block,dodge anything even with cheats. And yes i like to start up a server sometimes and tunr on cheats. i like the teleport move were i bind like whole side the the keyboard, each botten goes to each spawn spot in the map and

i hit all the bottens killing everyone in the server. thats the only attack that u cant block {even with god mode} .:p

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