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making custom sky shaders...?


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You need a rendering program for that... or if dont have money for that then I suggest making map of the city (in small scale) and use screenshots (6pics: up,down,left,right,forward,behind) from it to create the skybox. I think you need to have fov set to 90 when taking those screenshots.

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ok here is the shader script i made for my city of the matrix




qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga

sun 0.976471 1 0.0509804 75 90 360

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks



skyParms textures/skies/matrixsky 512 -


with the skyParms textures/skies/matrixsky 512 - above u have all ur pictures of ur city backdrop that u want (remember they must be divisable by 2 i.e. 512 by 512) like mysky_lf, mysky_rt, mysky_ft, mysky_bk, mysky_up, mysky_dw **replacing mysky with ur shader and the 512 - willput them all together making the shader but u must have the sky .tga's in the textures/skies/ path

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lol, sorry, sematriclen, but his problem is not the missing shader code but the missing 6 pictures with a city look.


I don't promise anything but I also need one. Of course not a Matrix style city of nowadays, but a more Star Wars like. So probably I gonna make one. I don't know yet. So don't count on me. :D


If you decide to render one for yourself there are excellent building models on the net. If you aren't lucky enough you have to ask 20+ person to give you permission. :D

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You name the six images xxx_ft, xxx_bk, xxx_lf, xxx_rt, xxx_up, and xxx_dn, corresponding to the sixe right-angle directions. Then, in your shader script, include the line "skyParms textures/skies/xxx 512 -", xxx is whatever name you gave to your sky. The 512 is the cloudheight, don't worry about that.


You can just use sematriclen's shader that he posted, it has a sun and will emit light. To have a non-lighting skybox, omit the "sun" line from that shader.

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Originally posted by sematriclen

why not try and ask to use the shader from corescant in the map "jedicouncilgc" or sumthin like that?????

Because it's not a sky shader, it's just a simple shader which is good for only ONE window (as in Coruscant in the original game), not for surrounding a city.
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