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Mr. Chopper

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This is what I want to do:


1) Push Switch A to move the platform to point B

2) Have the platform STAY at point B, until switch B is pushed, at which point the platform returns to point A


Basically, I don't want the platform to rest at any 'base' position. Can this be done? Also... is there any official word if scripting is possible in MP? Some people say yes, some say no. I would just like to know for sure. Thanks! :)

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Originally posted by Mr. Chopper

Can this be done?


Unfortunately...no. Many people, including myself, have tried. The best you can do is give the platform/door a really long wait value so it SEEMS like the switch toggles it.


Also... is there any official word if scripting is possible in MP? Some people say yes, some say no. I would just like to know for sure. Thanks! :)


Everyone here says no, and the official word is no. Maybe it'll work in MP in JA...*crosses fingers*

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I think it won't work, but I can be wrong. If the others will not say YES, then here is an idea:


Put in a target_delay with the same targetname as your plat (or whatever will move) has and give it a wait value which is enough time for the plat to reach the desired area. If you target the target_delay to something, then it will be fired after the wait time, and it will seem like the platform caused the event with being at a certain place. With this solution you don't need the other trigger you mentioned.

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