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new tutorial


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ok iv noticed that some people have had problems with the basic tutorials so iv gathered heaps of imformation and parts of tutorials and i will make 1 or 2 .map files for each part of the tutorial to show ow its done if i get enought feedback i will release them if not ill just delete them so post here and give me some feedback :D


thanx Sematriclen

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i think we should come together and make a good tutorial on triggered elevators and make it a sticky since it come up the most often. (unless it already is and i missed it) We should take the most common questions, as not answered by rich deisal, and rip em apart ;) (answer them) What do you think?

-Mix Master

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ok lets do it then well ill start first




ok to start make ur brush exactly where u want it to be just like a func_plat but instead of it being func_plat make it a func_door for the reason u cant have 2 triggers for a func_plat.

now if u want it to be at the bottow set the angle to -1 and if u want it to start up the top give the angle a -2 that fixes the direction now give it the key lip ang the value what ever the lip is i think u get the lip by duplitcating the brush and get the hight like u would with a func_plat but this time take to grids off the hight and if that dont fit exactly then take 1 more off it that will be where the lift stops

NOTE: dont forget say if ur lip is 412 high it has to be -412 to go up and 412 if it goes down

now just make a trigger like u normally would for a door and point the trigger towards the door (our plat) and make another 1 to make it go back down if it is going to be a lift then id try and make 2 func_usables and just 1 trigger that streches from the first button to the second its just easier that way :)


so this is what the entity screen will be like::

key value

angle -1 (or -2 to go down)

lip -412 ( or just 412 to go down)

soundset door7(just to add affect)

targetname lift1(having the triggers being key taget value lift1)


and thats ur lift done by a trigger :)


EDIT: ill try to do another one on sumthing else each time i log on which is just bout everyday but if there is sumthin specific ask here and we'll try our best to answer them and maybe we can get a sticky :)

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Originally posted by Mix_Master2k

i think we should come together and make a good tutorial on triggered elevators and make it a sticky since it come up the most often. (unless it already is and i missed it) We should take the most common questions, as not answered by rich deisal, and rip em apart ;) (answer them) What do you think?

-Mix Master



I posted that in the "RESOURCES THREAD" which is, essentially, a collection of tutorials and links like you're suggesting.

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