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Why is THIS????

Guest ICP Ringmaster

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

why are the galactic battlegrounds makers create this game in the original command and conquer 2d battlefrield. why dont they use the 3d battlefield like they used in Force Commander.

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Originally posted by EndSub

which means more people to lay waste to in multiplayer :D

...or more ways to get wasted :(

3D games or ok, but like people said, It requires more and (IMO) camera angles can suck! :)

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If you ever tried the Swedish Ground Control game.. well, it was in 3D, and in addition to your maximum number of 12 squads, with up to 6 units (I think) in each squad (6x12) plus the command APC (6x12+1), there was a horde of enemy vehicles and the map was revealed at all times (besides from fog). The game won several prices for its superb graphics.


And not once did I have a problem with it. It's the designers of FoCom's fault, not the 3D engine's fault. GC rocks, you know (so does AoE, but I hate the Red Alert game engine (My humble opinion :D). ).


Dagobahn Eagle

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there are only 2 true 3D games where the 3D actully added to the game......Ground Control and Homeworld......all the rest suffered from terrable game play (because so much time was spent on the engine and graphics....) or horrible camera control........

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