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A few storyline questions--please help...


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Ok,first off...is there a jedi counsel?/ I mean,does someone tell you what to do,or what missions to do? Is there a republic government or senate?

I know you get a three member team.But does the game react differently if you use other members? If i go to a republic station(or whatever)and i got a wookie with me,will people react to him.Like in "a New Hope',when r2 and 3po enter the bar and the alarm goes off,does crap like that happen here?It may be stretching,but its a question.

Another note of interest...if my crew enters a street(?)and i see sith troopers or whatever,will they always attack me??I mean,are they always looking for me,can't i "blend in" the crowd? Am i always wanted or something?

And the jedi....if i should,''should'' lean toward going to the darkside too much,do they try to stop me or warn me? I'd hate to get jumped by several jedi.

Oh,and if one of my crew gets killed,not me,just a droid or other guy,is it game over?


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Originally posted by TheChosenOne-

Ok,first off...is there a jedi counsel?/ I mean,does someone tell you what to do,or what missions to do? Is there a republic government or senate?


On this, absolutely no clue. There is the Old Republic at the time of the game, so that should be in place.



I know you get a three member team.But does the game react differently if you use other members? If i go to a republic station(or whatever)and i got a wookie with me,will people react to him.Like in "a New Hope',when r2 and 3po enter the bar and the alarm goes off,does crap like that happen here?


I know read somewhere, one of the devs posted thatsome folks will react differently.

Like a guy in a bar, if you approach him using a male character, will snap at you and tell you to go away.

Whereas if you use a female, he'll sidle up and ask if he can help.


Another note of interest...if my crew enters a street(?)and i see sith troopers or whatever,will they always attack me??I mean,are they always looking for me,can't i "blend in" the crowd? Am i always wanted or something?


Once again, this is something I have not heard about.


And the jedi....if i should,''should'' lean toward going to the darkside too much,do they try to stop me or warn me? I'd hate to get jumped by several jedi.


Yes, this will happen. I've read it a couple of times. There will be (I'm covering myself and saying probably) a confrontation with certain members of your team when you go bad.


Oh,and if one of my crew gets killed,not me,just a droid or other guy,is it game over?


If one or two of your team is killed, if your remaining character gets back to the Ebon Hawk (Center of operations) those characters will be revived.

However, if everyone in your party dies, you're gonna have to reload from your last save.

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Uber-Saber pretty much answered all your questions. :D


You have a lot of questions about details. The devs haven't release extremely detailed information about the world of the game(ie Senate or govt).

The have said that there is a Jedi Council.

I doubt people will react weird to a Wookie because it's the Star Wars universe and they would be used to seeing aliens.

The devs also said that every situation won't be solved by fighting that it's possible to use stealth. So I'm sure you could sneak around those Sith troopers if you have the right members in your party.

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There probably will be some circumstances like that with racist(..err...or is that speciest) comments or perhaps taking out a possibility in some quest. And if there isn't there should be:D it adds some character imo and some replay value

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Originally posted by TheChosenOne-

I meant, if i come to a planet and have a alien member of my team(wookie,twilek,etc)and the people aren't famialer with them,will they react differently.Example-If they never saw or heard of a wookie and i got one on my team,will the townsfolk act differently?



They said that little things like that will matter. One example would be.....


If a guy walks into a cantina, big deal. If a girl walks into that same cantina she could be hit on. The devs have gone into great detail to make this game have some awesome replay value.


I would think different squad members would definitely affect things as well.


<---Not a dev, so don't take info for facts. :)

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

They said that little things like that will matter. One example would be.....


If a guy walks into a cantina, big deal. If a girl walks into that same cantina she could be hit on. The devs have gone into great detail to make this game have some awesome replay value.


I would think different squad members would definitely affect things as well.


<---Not a dev, so don't take info for facts. :)


I can remember reading something like this, not sure where but this is the usual example to show that is does matter what sort of species you take with you and if they are male or female, however all these quests should be balanced out so if you chose female you won't lose any quests you might have liked as when you chose male and off course vice versa. Since the species are extra party member and you can't be a wookiee I suppose those quests are less balanced since there are only a few wookiees who can be in your party and those characters are already fixed.


Maybe if you made a second party member if it's possible. In Icewind Dale 1 you had to create your entire party or at least I haven't had any1 join my party so I made them while I already was underway and I found a great way to multiply my equipment (and selling it) if I only left 1 characterslot empty and started to it fill up with a saved character with the most expensive stuff.

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