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Kyles moves?


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I am wondering if anyone can help me. I have seen kyle do a few moves in the demos and have done a few myself by accident. Can anyone help me to do these all the time?


Running up and on walls sideways.

Jumping then flying for awhile.


I have also noticed sometimes when I fight with the saber, he does these spins, 360 degrees?


If anyone can help I would appreciate it.


PC CD version.

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To do the wall crawl thingy you have to have jump 2 or better I believe. What you then do is hold the strafe button in the direcction of the wall. Once you hit are touching the wall with teh strafe press/hold jump and you will start walking on the wall.


I think the flying thing was available before the 1.04 patch came along. I know you can hover for a second or two now. Just hold jump and you will sort of hover a bit.


To do a 360 attack there are two things I can think of. Using mods you can use the different saber stlyes to do about 5 spinning attacks (hurricane special). I think the one you are talking about is when you have the red saber stance out and attack your opponent who is behind you.



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Here's what works on the Xbox, you can try 'em.


Wall walk: While next to a vertical wall and looking down the wall, press forward + strafe(into the wall), + jump. If you are running along the wall, press strafe + jump. (Rank 2 jump or better like BigTeddyPaul says.)


Flying Nun jump: While running, release forward and immediately press and hold jump. Or tap forward and then press and hold jump. Works with strafe also. (Rank 1 jump just loses the somersault.)


Spinning linked slashes: Blue stance, press and hold strafe and hold down primary attack. This gives slow linked spinning horizontal swipes. If I add forward or back, I get fast linked diagonal slashes.


I can get off one spin in medium stance by pressing and holding attack, and after the slash or hack starts, tapping back + strafe. Once the spin starts, it will finish and can be 'steered.'


I also found this link: http://www.micro-sys.dk/people/thomas-schulz/jedi-knight-moves.php

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Well sir, Im just gonna put this out there for general knowledge.


-1-Red combos can have up to THREE moves them.


-2-You can spin around 720* on red without hacks.


-3-It is possible to link up little "flicks" at the end of a combo on red and yellow.


(Just so y'all are in the know)


-PS-Flying has practically no advantages over regular jumps, it just looks cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The "flying" you speak of of course is just a different jump animation, people call it different things though "matrix style jump" "flying leap" "advanced jump" "super force jump" etc.


I think its harder to block when doing it with your saber out, but that's about it.

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Do you mean a mid-air somersault?


Because just jumping around with the movement keys can produce several different animations, as you may well realize...


It would help if you explain exactly what you mean.


People have posted thousands of times and spent months looking for the fabled "butterfly" and cartwheel moves, but the fact is they don't exist except as NPC moves in SP, though some mods have added them into the game I hear (I haven't played them though, but I've seen screenshots).

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