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Editing Force Powers


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For single player (not sure about mp) you create a script in BehavEd that would look something like this:


affect ( "kyle", FLUSH )


set ( "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", "0" );



set ( "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_THROW", "0" );



Chagge "kyle" to whatever NPC you want to modify, change the numbers to whatever force level you want.


Then, in Radiant, create a "target_scriptrunner" and give it a key of "Usescript" with a value of whatever your script name is.


Attach your info_player start (or NPC entity) to the scriptrunner by first selecting the entity, then the script and hitting "ctrl K"


If this doesn't seem clear, here is a good tutorial:


http://mapping.jediknightii.net/tutorials.htm (altering players force powers)



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affect ( "kyle", FLUSH )


set ( "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", "0" );



set ( "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_THROW", "0" );




Ok for that stuff up there....say you wanted lightning uhhh lets say twice as damaging...

1. would you have to make 1 of those things up there for every npc....or...

2. is the "affect kyle" giving kyle (aka you) the upgrades? meaning kyles lightning is twice as damaging


something like this is what im getting at:


affect ( "kyle", FLUSH )


set ( "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", "0" );



set ( "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", "3" );

set ( "SET_SABER_THROW", "0" );



now normaly its max is 3, but since i put 6 there does it make kyles lightning power of 6? or what....im kinda confused about this sorta thing... plz clu reply to this as soon as yea can

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Originally posted by MataTahu

Just go into a game, open the console, and type "g_knockback ****" Where the asterisks are the number, and no quotes. The only problem is that this also increases the power of gun blasts.

and kick. ;)
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knock back is dumb in my opinion... o i have heard about a command you type in to modify a few things and it doesnt work and im wondering if i have the command wrong


g_lightning <1-9000>

g_choke <1-9000>

g_saberthrow <1-9000>


those are suposed to make lightning and stuff stronger...but i cant get it to work, are they real...? b/c things like g_speed and g_knockback do work


did someone make up these? o here is the cheat site i use




there in there maybe u guys could get it working and figure out why it dont for me... thx

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